James x barty

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Barty's POV:
James and I have been married for about two months for the media's sake as we both couldn't be bothered with all the rumours going about us being so cute together and how we could make such a great couple the 'bad boy' of one band and the 'good boy' of another. James and I have never actually dated this was just a marriage of convenience as it gained more publicity and improved the reputation.
We have avoided each other since it happened as I have had a crush on him but I know the feelings weren't reciprocated. We have never slept in the same room as each other we have two separate wings of the house. I moved in with him because well I was living out of my car after running away from home and he was willing to let me move in for this to work.
"Barty, hey can we talk a minute? I know your practice is in an hour or so but please I need to get something off my chest." he sounded desperate so I nodded and we sat together before he proceeded. "So I don't want this to be miserable i thought that we could make it work or could be civil but right now it feels like we are both waiting for the other to crack first. Please can we just act like roommates at least," he said like I was the one avoiding him which I wasn't as I have been willing to talk. He's the one who takes food to his room or office, he's the one who leaves once I enter a room, and he's the one who chooses to give me a separate wing.
"Why are you acting like I'm avoiding you, James? I haven't once avoided you hell I've tried talking to you multiple times!" I growled out at him as he looked at me with shock in his eyes like I was giving him the most shocking news ever.
"What is that supposed to mean? you glare at me when I'm in the same room as you, every time you enter the tension could be cut with a fucking knife, and you act like I don't exist! Do you have any idea how hard it is to live with you when you don't even seem to put in any effort to act civil with me?" He explained that I didn't even realise I did any of that stuff which is upsetting knowing that I was unintentionally hurting him.
"I didn't realise I did any of that I'm sorry. Next time just tell me I'm doing it I thought it was you who was acting out because you would leave the room when I entered or take food to your room instead of sitting with me. It's so hard to be in the same room as the person I love and I can't even talk to you!" I huffed out before realising what I said. I instantly jumped up before rushing out shouting about practice.
When practice finished I realised I couldn't avoid him any longer. I tried to delay and hold back but it wasn't working and the time was dragging by. It felt like hours had passed but was only about half an hour at most. I decided I'd have to face him either way and just sucked it up. As I walked into the house I tried to be quiet and hoped maybe he wouldn't hear me or he would be too disgusted that he would be in his room and I'd get divorce papers in the next few days. I heard a noise in the dining room and prayed it was someone who broke in which was terrible but I couldn't face him.
"Barty standing in the foyer is not going to stop this conversation now I've made you a calming herbal tea that'll calm your nerves. Come sit with me!" He called out to me and I prayed he knew I different barty. I knew I wasn't that lucky and if I didn't go in now he would come out and drag me in. I sheepishly walked into the dining room and sat down quietly avoiding all eye contact. "Barty, sweetheart look I feel the same about you I promise. I wouldn't marry someone without having feelings for them even if I didn't admit them at first," he explained and I blushed a dark red at his words. I knew I loved him with everything I had in me.
"James can we take it slow even though we are married i don't wanna rush and ruin our relationship," I asked and he gave a nod with his goofy grin that he gets when hesoverly happy about something. "I love you James with all my heart and I know you probably don't feel as strong but I do love you," I whispered which earned me a small peck on the lips compelling me to smile.
"I love you too barty with all my heart and soul. You're my treasure that I never knew I found until today." he declared cheerily with a big goofy grin on his face.

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