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Toms pov:
I recently felt as my mates went into their inheritance which I thought was amazing as then I could possibly call to them so that we could meet but instead I feel that they are at each others throats which is worrying. Mates should never be this angry and aggressive with each other especially the submissive and the submissive-dominant. I've tried to reach out and call them to me but nothing seems to be working which is concerning I don't know if they just can't feel the pull or if they are ignoring it because this dislike each other I'm unsure and getting worried. I've decided to visit them as I know they are at Hogwarts and I can easily sneak in my animal form. I've been trying to get them both but can't seem to find them but I can smell them and they are close but they seem to be walking the opposite way than I am which is annoying as I know they can feel it. As I neared a abandoned corridor I felt a pull from one of the classrooms which was strange so I quickly went in as the door was left open slightly. Once inside the door slammed shut and locked as well as the lights turned on and spells were cast around the room to secure it. "Took you long enough to finally come find us!" One of them chuckled which I shifted back and looked at him confused. "Wait what? You are getting along?" I questioned and they laughed. "Yeah we have been trying to get you to come to us because we can't leave Hogwarts without alerting anyone and we don't have our apperation license yet." The taller of the two told me which I looked shocked. "What do you mean aren't you both 18?" I asked which they shook their head. "I'm 18 he's not 18 for another 2 months." The black haired one commented which I nodded. "I apologise I hadn't realised that detail or I would have come sooner. I'm Tomas riddle but my friends call me Marvolo." I told them which they smiled at. "I'm Jamison potter everyone calls me James or Jamie." The taller of the two told me with a smile on his face. "Severus snape." The dark haired one and most submissive told me with no hint of happiness at all. "You went through a lot of hardship I can feel it but where do you live now?" I asked knowing instantly it was abuse from a parental figure just by the look in his eyes before they looked towards the floor. "I'm not living anywhere currently I'm going to my grandfathers after graduation hopefully I'll stay there." He explained and instantly I knew his grandfather was someone who tried to save him but the look of happiness in his eyes. "You are welcome to stay with me in my manor I have plenty of space and easy access to the floo network so you could visit your grandfather." I told him with a smile which he nodded to. "Thanks marvolo." He gave a small smile. "Your lucky I've only got three smiles out of him for the past 2 weeks you have got at least 5 in the past 10 minutes." James whined while I smiled. "Oh come on James up until the inheritance you hated my guts don't deny that!" Severus growled which I found that information worrying. "Really that's what you think I was doing Severus I've been in love with you for seven years and you ignored me and turned your back because you were in love with lily which is why Sirius picks on you because I was heartbroken and he seen it as your fault!" James growled before turning trying to leave. "Unlock the door Snape!" He growled to which Severus didn't listen but continued to watch him. "You think I was in love with lily?" He asked to which James growled. "No shit all you did was cling to her every move and word you think I didn't hear what you both said about me I'm not as stupid as you both made out so thanks but no thanks I'm good. I agreed to get him here so you could have your true mate because at this point I don't want to be associated with someone who thinks so low of me." James ranted as tears streamed down his face and every time I reached for him he stepped away from my attempts. Severus still refused to unlock the door but I knew James is more powerful and within seconds the wooden door was in splinters all across the floor. James quickly ran from the room without even a second glance.

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