Lestrange twins x weasley twins

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Fred's pov:
Georgie has been raving about the new tattoo parlour that just opened in Creature ally. I personally don't like going to new tattoo artists because they are usually too cocky and always get my designs wrong. But George is insisting I go because of the hot tattoo artists that work there. I decided I'd go since I was looking to get a new tattoo anyway and it saves having to go into muggle London. I booked an appointment for today but Georgie is making me stress as he said that they are amazing but are known as bad boys which is something that I love and hate. So here I am stressing myself out over two guys while George is gushing over what to wear like he's a teenage girl about to see their crush. I knew something was off about this as George wouldn't get this worked up if they were just random guys. "Georgie are they our mates?" I asked which caused him to freeze. "Maybe I couldn't smell their scents but I had mine blocked so they wouldn't have known either but it cant be right?" He told me looking confused at himself in the mirror. "Don't sweat it I'll figure it out alright?" I told him which he nodded with a smile before turning stating he's ready. As we arrived in creature ally I followed Georgie to the door to the tattoo parlour before nodding as he pushed it open. "Please change the sign on the door sir you're our last customer today." The taller of the two men stated which I flipped the sign to closed before walking further in with George attached to my side. "What is the tattoo you're looking as you stated that it was two animals in the tattoo with a little bit of detail." The shorter asked which I gave a smile to. "I want two coyotes sitting side by side. But you can add your own style to it." I told them as I handed the sketch to them of the basis of what I want which is me and George's creatures. "Your getting my coyote?" Georgie asked sounding so innocent and sweet like he wanted to cry. "Guessing he didn't tell you George?" The taller asked which George shook his head. "Yes I'm getting our coyotes tattooed and I'm not telling you the rest until you see the result." I told him which he looked shocked and confused as the elder of the twins looked at the sketch before awing. "Okay let's go Fred I'll sketch it in the back George stay with Rab in here." The taller told us before leading me back. "I'm guessing you and George are mates to each other." He started as soon as the door closed which I nodded. As we sat down he started to sketch what you wanted. "I'm Rodolphus and my brother out there is Rabastan." He introduced which I nodded. "You both seem close I'm guessing you're both mates as well. My question is how are you both still sane as no offence you're at least 25 and still no mate in sight?" I questioned which caused a slight growl. "You're nothing like your twin that's for sure." He growled before showing me the sketch of the two coyotes curled around each other with the words 'Per sempre amore mio' which means 'forever my love' in Italian. Georgie and I least Italian when we were young as we became bored easily so we studied the language and became fluent. I nodded at the picture so he started on the tattoo as I continued to talk. "So I'm guessing I hit a nerve with asking about a mate. I figure neither of you want a mate since your scents are blocked off." I explained my theory which he gave me a dark glare but never faltered on my tattoo. It was going on my left shoulder blade. "Quit talking like you know me because you don't and never will at this rate so just drop it." He growled low so the other two wouldn't hear. "You know by the way George was excited to see you both I would've assumed that you were our mates but I doubt it since personally I don't see it." I told him which caused him to pause while he stared at me before shaking his head and continuing his work. I dont know why but I couldn't get him pissed enough to release his scent which annoyed me for some reason.
After a few hours it was finally done and I still couldn't get through to him but he led me to the front again to show Georgie and pay for the tattoo. "Please George don't bring him again as he's an irritation!" He growled but I smirked. "Aww don't worry I don't wanna come back. Personally i dont know why Georgie liked this place it's just like everywhere else nothing special or new." I stated with a shrug and an eye roll which caused Rabastan to growl with a glare. "My only question is how didn't you flinch at all throughout the process or even afterwards George usually flinches at least 5 times but you didn't." Rodolphus asked in confusion which I gave a shrug to before handing them the money before leaving as I don't wish to explain myself. I knew George would explain the situation as they seem close but I don't wanna relive that. The amount of times I took a hit to ensure Georgie was safe, the amount of times I ensured mothers wrath because I knew if I didn't she would go for Georgie, I grew accustomed to the pain and now nothing hurts. Once I got into the joke shop I didn't turn the sign to open like we had planned I just went to our room as I didn't wanna have to talk after those memories surfaced. After a while I heard the door open and close. "Leave me alone please Georgie." I told him knowing if I called him Georgie at least he'd know I wasn't mad. "Good thing I'm not Georgie." Rabastan chuckled lightly but still came and sat on the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry about Rodo he's protective of me and you kinda got under our skin so he wasn't thinking when he asked that question. I know it's not a good enough excuse." He explained looking down but I just stayed looking at the wall. "George released his scent turns out we are mates if that makes you feel any better." He tried but I didn't answer as I already knew that I had from I entered the shop as even if they blocked their scent when customers were in their scents were still there and present. "Rodo told us what you said in the back did you really think we wouldn't want our mates?" He questioned thinking maybe it would get me to answer but to me it's not worth it today maybe some other time but right now all I feel is pain and memories. "Can you please stop talking and asking me questions. Just leave me alone please if I didn't wanna talk to my own twin what makes you so different!" I growled before rolling over and glaring at the wall again. "Right well George and rodo are downstairs I told them I would at least try before rodo comes up but I guess you want it the hard way." He stated which I heard the smile in his tone. As he walked out closing the door I heard Georgie shout not to close it right but he was too late because the minute it clicked shut I cast a lock spell on it to ensure they couldn't get in. "Freddie please let us in I'm worried!" George called out but I hate when I'm having flashbacks as it scares me and makes me feel like it's happening again which means I can't protect Georgie. I heard as Rodolphus growled to be let in but I stayed silent.

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