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Severus' pov:
Barty has been avoiding me for about 3 months even though I knew of his crush and have tried to tell him that his feelings are reciprocated but no he refuses to be within the same area as me without running away. It's annoying me to no end as I can't even get letters through like how can he block letters from me but apparently it's possible for him to do. So currently our Friends have gotten completely fed up with us well his avoiding me and personally I don't know what I did other than complain a few times but Lucius and Cissa are clearly annoyed. So here I am locked in a room with Barty who is cursing regulus and Evan for locking him in with me which I don't know whether to feel offended that he doesn't wanna be around me so much he's willing to insult his friends. "Okay both of you listen close! The door will open on its own whenever you have talked to eachother about how you truly feel and the door can't be tricked." Regulus called which I knew this was one of his brother's tricks as he used it on James and Regulus a few months back. I heard as they all laughed before leaving which pissed me off as knowing Barty he's gonna ignore me and refuse to talk. "Yeah that's not happening they won't leave us in here without food or a bathroom so they have to come back." Barty huffed out which I rolled my eyes. "News flash we are in the room of requirements and if you actually thought to look around you would see bathroom is to the left also there's a kitchenette to the right and a bedroom beside the bathroom." I explained which his eyes widened in shock and panic. "So they won't come back will they?" He asked and I just shook my head as we knew they wouldn't come back. As we both sat on opposite sides of the sofa I prayed that lily would at least come looking when I don't show up for studying tomorrow unless she's in on this which I hope she wasn't. "Okay I can't sit still like this I just can't it's too much for me!" Barty shouted grabbing his hair. "What do you mean?" I questioned confused as I've never known someone to be this annoyed at silence. "I can't stay still I need to focus on or I lose my mind I just can't and they didn't leave anything that I could fidget or focus on and I need something!" He was shouting but in frustration more than anything as the room won't change while we are inside and he's in a state of panic. "Barty we need to admit our feelings then." I pleaded with him knowing he was desperate for something. "I can't!" I shouted but I could hear the pain in his voice. "Barty I have known about you liking me for months. I don't know how you couldn't see it and no matter how many times I've tried to tell you that I like you back you avoided me and ran away from me you idiot." I explained with a small smile which he looked at me in shock. "Really?" He asked so innocently I wanted to scream at him to stop being so damn cute. "Yes cutie really I would've told you three months ago but you kept avoiding me." I said softly as not to panic him anymore then he already was. "So I could've already been your boyfriend for 3 months if I hadn't been running away from you." He told me looking upset with himself. "Aww cutie don't think like that we are together now that's what matters." I comforted which he smiled at me before fidgeting with my fingers to distract himself which I found cute. "So the door will just unlock soon or what?" He question which I shook my head. "It'll unlock in an hour to ensure that we aren't pretending. Sirius used the same spell on regulus and James a few months back." I told him with a smile which he nodded pecking my lips before blushing a beautiful red which I quickly brought him back into a soft and sweet kiss. I smiled at him as he blushed deeper. I stayed curled up with him till the hour was up and once the door was open Barty bolted out which I chuckled at. I made my way to my room which after 5th year we get personal rooms as most people are in relationships and don't wanna be sharing rooms. As I closed my room there was a knock on it which I opened to see Barty smiling at me before walking past me to the bed. "What's up cutie?" I questioned which he smiled. "Can I stay with you I've got my fidgets and they aren't that loud I promise and I..." I covered his month before he could rant. "Of course you can stay and why would you think I minded if your fidgets are noisy?" I question which he looked down. "My dorm mates get annoyed and Reggie moved in with James at the start of the year and ev moved to a different dorm last year after the incident so we aren't allowed to be together in dorms and apparently my fidgets are annoying and loud and I should burn them." He ranted out to explain which pissed me off. "How about we move your stuff in here with me and you can stay here." I told him which he nodded fast while bouncing but I seen he wanted to stay here for today which I smiled and climbed in to cuddle him.

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