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My hands are sweating

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My hands are sweating. I'm in the car with Harry Styles and of all things going to break my car out of car jail.

What the hell is my life right now? How embarrassing is this whole situation? The drive was going to be at least 45 minutes with traffic, which there will be.

I was struggling to figure out what to say as we drive down the busy highway in silence.

God I hope he doesn't recognize me from the bar. That will make this even more sad.

What am I even thinking? Probably not. I mean he's a world famous artist and I'm just me. 

He was dressed in a white t-shirt, torn blue jeans and white vans with a backwards baseball hat and sunglasses. He'd previously had a mask on his face which is now sitting in the cup holder of his car. That would explain why he was able to not bombarded while in that coffee shop.

"I realized I haven't even ask you your name, how rude of me."

I could feel the way my body was stiff and rigid whereas he was calm, cool, and relaxed as he spoke to me.

Fuck, he's talking to me. I need to stop freaking out inside of my own head and talking to myself.

"Don't sweat it. I'm Bria, Bri or B for short." He nods and says, "well sorry we had to meet this way Bria but it's nice to meet you."

"Likewise. Thanks for coming to my rescue." My curiosity begins to grow in how he even knew though.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure thing."

"So how did you know it was my car being towed?" He glances over at me and raises his brow in question.

"Well I mean there were like 20 people in the coffee shop today, how did you know it was my car out of everyone in there?"

"I recognized you." He says glancing over at me with a half smile. There goes that adorable dimple again.

I sit up straighter in my seat, a little taken aback.

"What do you mean by you recognized me?" I push. He adjust in his seat and runs his left hand through his hair.

"Well I have been going to that coffee shop a lot this week since it is one of the few where I don't get bombarded and I've seen you there quite a bit." He states so plainly. I could feel my face contort in to shock.

What about me could possibly be so memorable? There isn't anything special about me at all. I dress pretty plain, my hair stays in a tight bun almost every day since it's so curly I never take the much needed time to actually do something with it. I mean how does someone like me catch this man's attention. "I just realized that came out sort of creepy." He says breaking the now awkward silence that's settled between us once again.

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