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Luckily I was off the next two days, it being Thursday and Friday, so I waisted no time waking up and calling my lawyer

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Luckily I was off the next two days, it being Thursday and Friday, so I waisted no time waking up and calling my lawyer. I told him what happened and how I'll be installing cameras to try and catch him the next time he comes creeping around because there was no doubt in my mind that there would be a next time. Luke had been served with the protective order and urged to not push his luck but of course in typical Luke fashion, his arrogance would get in the way of any rational thought.

I texted Capri and Jaqueline to see if they'd had any run ins with him while I was away. Capri saw him at a bar on the 27th pissed out of mind but luckily enough he didn't approach her. She said the moment she locked eyes with him she paid out. I felt absolutely terrible that my loved ones were having to deal with all of this all because of me. The guilt was starting to weigh down on me with every new obstacle that came my way. Harry spent the morning calling people back in LA he trusts to get me a guard. The thought still makes my skin crawl but I'll do whatever he wants to make him feel at ease about my well-being.

At least for a while.

After hanging up the phone and coming into the kitchen for lunch he says, "I'm going to send out one of my own personal bodyguards to watch out for you. I'd rather have someone I know and trust here than some random person." He take a large gulp of his water before scarfing down his tuna sandwich. He's sitting next to me so I peak him on the cheek lightly making my cousin grimace.

"Thank you, I really appreciate that." He smiles, mouth full, and pokes my nose in response making my face scrunch up.

"Y'all are going to make me puke from the cuteness." TJ gripes as he rinses off his plate.

I roll my eyes at his grossed out expression.
"Stop being a titty baby about it."

"I'm only teasing. Sort of..." he heads back into the living room with the sports highlights blaring through the surround sound. "You know I could get used to this place!" He hollers from the very comfy couch.

"TJ we are not mooching off of my boyfriend!" I yell back. TJ shoots me the middle finger from the couch not even bothering to turn around.

"You know we can return him, no need for him to get too comfortable right H?" I say just loud enough for my cousin to hear me. He whips his head around glaring at me.

"Ohhh no, we've bonded. He's going to let me play with him in that dope music room he's got set up down the hall." TJ shines a toothy grin my way. Smug bastard.

"Oh really! You're going to finally get back into your music? I've been telling you for years now." He gives me a glare once again. "Hey I was a little busy being a drug addict, ok? Cut me some slack." I couldn't help but smile knowing that he's really working hard on his sobriety and finally doing things that he has always loved.

"Let's get to it then, mate!" Harry walks over and pats him on the back signaling him to go into the music room. I clean up the kitchen from lunch and grab my book and settle in on the chair in the living room. They left the door open so I can hear them conversing and light guitar strumming in between.

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