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Things have been

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Things have been... Tough. I only had to work a half day today so I decided it's a good day to go on a hike with J and her dog Bubba. I make it to her place around 12:30 and she already has Bubba locked and loaded with his harness and tennis ball snug between his teeth. He greats me at the door and almost knocks me down which I welcome wholeheartedly. "Oh Bubs I missed you!" I squeal.

Jaqueline hooks on his harness and helps me up. "Ready to go?" I nod in agreement and we pile in to her Corolla and head out to the hiking trail.

I needed this today. My whole family is stressed about TJ going to treatment. He backed out last minute when he was discharged from the hospital earlier this month, but then two weeks later he relapsed and finally gave in. My aunt got him a bed and he was leaving today. I was incredibly proud of him for finally taking this huge step in his journey, so I sent him a quick text this morning.

Bria: I love you and I'm proud of you. I'll be here to talk shit to you when you get back!
TJ: If that's the case I may stay in rehab forever.
Bria: Fuck off! Love you.
TJ: love you too. Sometimes.

I know that this will be so good for him, he's much stronger than I am. I just stopped cold turkey; no rehab, no program, and it's hard. I'm pathetically white knuckling my sobriety. But he is braver than me, always has been, and is going to get a handle on his addiction and using his words "kick it's fucking ass."

We make our way out to our usual hiking trail that takes us down to a small creek that we usually end up relaxing in, throwing sticks and rocks for Bubba to retrieve and gnaw on.
It was hot for an October day so the butterflies and bees were out in abundance. The sounds of nature have always calmed me, J on the other hand was swatting away everything that came in her direction. "How can someone love to hike but hate bugs?"

Watching her duck and dodge every little thing that comes flying her way has me full on belly laughing. "You know if you don't flinch it'll leave you alone."

"I highly doubt that! Look at them dive bombing me and completely leaving you alone." She says with eyes darting around to make sure all flying insects are far away from her.

"J we don't need to be out here if you're going to wig out the entire time." She shakes her head in protest, "I'm facing my fears of insects, just be prepared if I get spooked to catch me if I fall."

I shake my head at her overly dramatic attitude towards the beautiful world around us. I'd always loved being outdoors as a kid. I was super big in rock collecting, I don't know how many photos my parents have or me as a baby shoving rocks in my pocket to take home. I was always painting tiny little faces on each one to keep as pets, even named some of them.

"Whatever you say J. Just don't take me down with you if you eat shit out here."

Bubba has made the hike even more difficult aside from Jaqueline's constant squeals and screams. He is distracted by other people walking past us, always begging for all of the pets and belly rubs, as if he is severely neglected from our love and affection. He stops and sniffs every flower, bush, pebble, and twig. But his favorite past time is definitely pulling on his harness to chase off any squirrels that cross our path which inevitably leads to Jaqueline tripping every five minutes.

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