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After scooping Trey from school, he proceeds to tell me about how his first few weeks in 6th grade has been going

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After scooping Trey from school, he proceeds to tell me about how his first few weeks in 6th grade has been going. He's already made a few new friends now that he has started theater and he loves all of his teachers. "I can't wait until the winter play, we are going to be doing Fidler on the Roof!" He seems so excited.

"No way! That's awesome! Do you know who you will be playing yet?" I squeal, matching his enthusiasm.

"No not yet, but auditions start in two weeks so I'm going to start practicing." He says eagerly.

"Good for you dude." I give him a high five. We pull up to his building and he hops out with his backpack and skateboard. "Bye auntie B thanks for trying me from school, love you!" He shouts.

"Love you too kiddo! Don't burn down the apartment!" I see him walk in to the door of their apartment and once it's firmly shut I throw the car in reverse.

I pull up to my home and see Jaquelines car is already parked on the street. Opening my garage I pull in and she pulls in to the driveway behind me. I hop out of my car and I see here tall curvy self walk up my driveway with an arm full of snacks and wine. Her red hair a bundled up mess on top of her head and green eyes bright as can be. I laugh and yell, "I see the snack queen has arrived."

She makes her way in to my garage with a smirk, "what's a Taurus if not a snack queen?"

Opening my door my stomach is tightening at the thought of reliving and telling the story of my afternoon to my best friend.

She plops down on the couch, twists off the rosé bottle lid and hands it to me and proceeded to open her own bottle of Pino Grigio. "Ok what's going on you're freaking me out. You're all jitters." She almost looks concerned. I sit down in front of her and try my best to collect my thoughts.

"Ok ok ok. Well. My car got towed from the coffee shop today because I'm an idiot and parked on the fire line. And then a guy came up to me to tell me I got towed and took me to get my car. It was Harry Styles..." she chokes on her drink and looks at me with wide eyes.

"You're fucking lying!" She yells.

"Actually I'm not." I chuckle. Her mouth hangs open in shock, her green eyes scanning my face to see if I'm full of shit.

"How in the hell did that happen!? Tell me everything!" She tucks her legs up under herself.

"I mean...I basically just did."

"Wait seriously.... That's it?!" She shrieks. "You meet Harry fucking Styles and that's all you have to say!"

"Oh wait one second." I pull out my phone to let Harry know I made it home.

"What are you doing?"

"Letting him know I'm home." Before I can finishing typing out the message she yanks it's from my grasp.

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