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The bread was fucked

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The bread was fucked. I totally burned it so I definitely had to toss it in the garbage.

Capri showed up for dinner not even 15 minutes later, so I didn't have much time to make myself presentable. I ran some cold water over my now very crimson colored face to make it a little less flushed.

We had a nice dinner together playing catch up while they both taunting me relentlessly over burning the bread. Capri talked about her job as a crisis counselor which Harry found endlessly fascinating and endearing. I know how tough those sort of jobs are, but Capri was built for it.

Harry sat next to me and couldn't keep his hand off me. His fingers gripped my thigh, my shoulders, you name it. At any opportunity he could find he'd hold my hand that wasn't being used to feed myself and played with my fingers. I had a permanent smile plastered on my face. He'd give me sly looks every time I'd get up to get more wine from across the table, giving me a small pinch on my hip when I did so. I tried my best to hide my giggles and flirtatious glances but Capri caught on.

"Why are y'all looking at each other like that?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, a little too quickly.

Her eyes dart between us for a moment. "Why do y'all look so smug... did you finally bone?"

Harry glances at me for the ok and I nod. Capri squeals like a child and reaches for my hand across the table, smacking it playfully, "Fucking finally! I was wondering why B looked so relaxed!"

I roll my eyes, "Ok now that you know, can we move on?" She nods and giggles at my lack of interest in discussing this further with Harry sitting right next to me. She can get gritty details another day.

He asked how the kids have been doing to change the subject, thank goodness. My fingers find their home at the base of neck, twisting his overgrown chestnut curls between my fingers.

Ash just had his 6th birthday at laser tag and Trey's winter play of Fidler on the Roof was the following weekend. "Harry you're more than welcome to join. The kids would love to see you." Capri offers.

Harry hesitates for a moment and his body stiffens underneath my touch. I can see his expression drop as he tries to hide it by taking a drink of water, but I definitely noticed. "I would love to but unfortunately next weekend I need to head back to LA for a bit." He's looking down at his hands, pushing his last few bites of pasta around his plate nervously. I make sure to not say a word or react as I had no idea he would be leaving again so soon.

"Oh bummer!" Capri frowns. "I'll make sure to video it then for you." He sends her a smile, but it doesn't meet his eyes. He's trying to act nonchalant about dropping that information just now, and I'm not exactly pleased.

I wonder why he didn't mention leaving? He's always been communicative with me?

"Well I have to go." Capri scoots out of her chair, "Thanks again for dinner." She makes her way around the table and hugs us both, placed her dishes in the sink and heads out. I meander to the sink to start cleaning up to distract myself from my own sadness. I don't like this sinking feeling in my chest, so I decide to busy my hands. Harry makes his way back from the front door after locking it, looking at me solemnly."Baby." He says quietly.

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