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Waking up the morning after the end of a tour is always emotionally draining

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Waking up the morning after the end of a tour is always emotionally draining. I'm excited for this break and to finally be bored for once, but to say my heart breaks a little now that my two year long tour is officially over was a massive understatement. I forget what life is like sometimes when I'm not on the road, not traveling the world with my favorite people, and not sharing the best tour of my life with thousands of amazing fans.

Mitch and Pauli were planning on taking me to breakfast, but I was feeling super down today. All I wanted to do was FaceTime my girl. It sucks with the time change but she said she'd call me when she got home from spending time with Capri and Jaqueline. She was going to break the news to them at dinner that she was officially making the move to California. I'd fly back to the states to help her get settled and then it was back to London for a well deserved extended break.

I can't wait to have her with me all the time, to take her on a date every single weekend, to wake up with her curled up next to me every morning, to fly her to wherever she wants to explore at the drop of a hat, and to make love every single night. I was addicted to Bria DuPont and the fact that she wants to be mine makes me the luckiest man in the world.

I decided to try and sleep some until she called me when she arrived at home, checking the time it was now 6am here so it was now 11pm back in the states.

Right on cue, my phone buzzes and Bria's face pops up on my screen. Flipping on the light I answer swiftly, "Hey sweetness, how was your night?"

She was walking in her house, hair slicked back in a tight pony tail and a tired look in her eyes. "Hi babe, it was really good. A little sad, but good."

I adjust against my pillows and run my hand over my face, "I know baby, how'd they take it?" I was worried they'd end up resenting me for taking their best friend away from them.

"They were both extremely happy actually! It was only sad because I'll be leaving them soon. They've been by my side since we were kids." Her eyes cast downward, "but they're excited about a place to visit me."

"They are welcome any time. I'm glad it went well. Have you told TJ?"

She shakes her head, "No he isn't home so I'll have that chat with him tomorrow. But it'll all be fine! Now I need to get a shower and some much needed sleep, and you need to get up."

"Ok my love, get some rest. Talk tomorrow?"

"We'll talk tomorrow. I love you forever." She blows a kiss to me at the screen and I pretend to catch it, "I love you always."

Ending the call, I stretch and decide to get ready for my morning walk through the city. Pulling on a pair of sweats, a long sleeve, and my tennis shoes I make my way down to the lobby of the hotel.

I walked for an hour throughout the peaceful streets of Reggio Emilia, taking in my surroundings and enjoying every minute of it. It's rare that I actually have a moment to myself so I was going to soak up as much alone time as possible. It's something I desperately needed after such a long time being in the spotlight. The birds chirping in the trees and on top of store awnings brought me a sense of calm. The sky was painted a beautiful cotton candy pink and baby blue, the air already warming from the summer sun creeping over the buildings. Grabbing myself some coffee I make my way back to the hotel and take a bit of a nap but My phone was blowing up from Gem and my mum begging for brunch. I'm almost positive Pauli and Mitch put them up to it wanting me to socialize some and there was no way I could say no to those two.

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