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Waking up to the bright sun shining through the sheer curtains of his floor length windows, I couldn't be happier

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Waking up to the bright sun shining through the sheer curtains of his floor length windows, I couldn't be happier. I only had one nightmare last night which is better than the usual three that tend to disrupt my slumber. Harry held me tight until I finally calmed down and fell back to sleep, gently running his blunt nails up my back.

They seem to happen less often when he's around.

Harry was sound asleep on his stomach facing away from me. He looked so peaceful, which of course enticed me to disturb him just a little.

I roll over to play with his long messy curls as he stirs under my touch. "Are you alive?" I whisper against his bare back. He grunts in response and rolls over closer to me, tucking his face into my shoulder. "Too early." He grumbles, accent is even heavier with his sleepy voice. Giggling to myself, I twirl his curls gently between my fingers.

Even half asleep he feels the need to run his hands up and down my bare leg, kissing my shoulder lightly as I continue to play with his hair. His eyes then flutter open and he smiles, "G'morning beautiful."

"Morning to you too." He runs his thumb gently against my cheek, emerald green eyes staring into my deep brown ones. "How'd you sleep?"

I shrug and yawn. "Pretty well actually. You make a good pillow."

He brushes his nose against my own before sitting up with a load groan. He stretches his arms over his head and cracks his neck, muscles flexing and relaxing with every move he makes. Climbing out of bed leaving me cold, he slips out of his boxer briefs and pulls up new ones. The urge to pinch his butt was incredibly high, but he walked to his dresser before I could reach him.

Making his way do his dresser he manages to dig out a pair of black Nike shorts and a green tank, most likely getting read to go on a run. Watching him sleepily grab his tennis shoes and socks he turns to me. "I was going to go for a jog, would you like to join?"

I've never been much of a runner. To be honest, I kind of hated physical activity. I'd always been a big fan of volleyball and spending time hiking but that was the extent of my work out life. I'm pretty sure I'm still paying for a gym membership that I haven't used in a year.

But it sounded kind of like a good idea. It was only 7 am so it wouldn't be too terribly hot out yet. I climb out of bed to stretch and make my way towards him.

"I don't have anything to run in." He turns to his dresser and pulls out another pair of hot pink shorts, much shorter than his own, and a t-shirt. "Would this work?"

"I mean technically yes, but unless you have a sports bra hiding somewhere..." I see the wheels turning in his head and realization washes over him.

Daydream [H.S. A.U.]Where stories live. Discover now