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Harry's been outside for at least 30 minutes making phone calls to god knows who

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Harry's been outside for at least 30 minutes making phone calls to god knows who. He's been texting and calling off and on, clearly very upset. I see that his facial expression hasn't changed a bit: hardened and angry. Harry has mentioned a handful of times that he's always been adamant on protecting his privacy as much as he possibly could, and it's been aggressively violated.

I watch him from the dining table pace back and forth. He won't stop messing with his hair or rubbing his neck; it's to the point that it's turning crimson red.

I hated seeing him like this.

He eventually hangs up, looks at the sky with a heavy sigh leaving his lips. He opens the back door and walks past me to the couch so I wait patiently for a signal to join him. I texted Capri and Jaqueline to see if they'd seen any posts from our encounter on the internet, but nothing yet.

They said they're going to keep an eye out regardless.

I didn't even know that paparazzi even existed in this city.

God I need a cigarette.

Getting up from the table, I grab my purse and dig around for a pack and a lighter.

"Bria." He says quietly.

I halt my frenzied attempt at finding my cigarettes and look over at him; he has his face in his hands. "Babe is everything ok?"

He waves me over, so I make my way to him cautiously. "If you don't want to talk about it we don't have to." I assure him.

He shakes his head and pats his hand down to signal me to sit. Taking my hands in his own, thumbs rubbing the back of them, he finally speaks to me. "I'm terribly sorry that happened, especially where we were."

"Hey, it's alright, no one was hurt." I try and reassure him that I'm okay.

He sighs, "I couldn't quite figure out how they managed to pop up like that until I talked to my team..." he hesitates a moment and shakes his head.

"Are you saying they sent them?"

Why would they do that? They know more than anyone how he would feel about it.

"Unfortunately yes. I had it out with Jeff just now. He said I need to be more accessible while I'm here." He makes a face like the words he just said tasted sour leaving his lips.

"He's been hounded by press asking why I'm still here, and who you are and what's going on. It's rubbish..." I listen patiently as he continues to rant, sage green looking over my face frantically, "It's no one's business and now it's about to be on every media outlet." He groans.

I think I know what he means by that last statement but I sit here thinking the worst. Unfortunately my insecurities take over.

"So tell me; do you not want people knowing about me or something?" He immediately shakes his head to me, dumbfounded at my question. His hands squeezed just a little tighter around mine, "Bria no, of course not! Why would you say something like that?"

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