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TW: mentions of drug use and assault

I've been back to work with my normal hours ever since new years and Harry's been back in LA getting prepared for the Grammys and his second leg of his European tour this spring

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I've been back to work with my normal hours ever since new years and Harry's been back in LA getting prepared for the Grammys and his second leg of his European tour this spring. Harry tried for the millionth time to send me a body guard but I shut it down.

I thought about it a lot and I refuse to be made to feel like I need to be followed 24/7. I promised Harry I'd carry a pocket knife and pepper spray from now on though. Figured that was a doable compromise. That was enough to prevent any further discussion and argument on the subject.

I'd been given the ok to work from home since the new hires are trainees no more, but every other day I was itching to escape the confines of my house. TJ finally got a job at a body shop and has been making incredible progress in his recovery, bringing me to meetings every now and then. He's going on four months sober and seems to have gotten the hang of it thanks to his wonderful sponsor Santiago.

I'm so proud of him.

Harry did get to have dinner with both of my parents before heading back to LA which I was a nervous wreck about, but of course they adored him. My mom and I had a long talk about boundaries and not over sharing too much about our family's dirty laundry, which miraculously she respected. There was still so much I wasn't ready to share yet.

My dads the easy one. Nothing fazes him nor deters him from his forever happy mood. He made us his specialty; curried cod. The night was relaxing, full of laughter and embarrassing stories of my teenage years which reminded Harry that I needed to dig out my old photos of my awkward emo years. He definitely snapped a few photos for blackmail. He didn't think I was watching but I caught a few right before he placed the box back on the shelf in my moms home office.

My mom actually told me she was proud of me after he left. She hasn't seen me happy like this in... well. Ever. It warmed my heart to know that she gave her stamp of approval, not that I technically needed it. I was 29 and could make my own choices, but it was a breath of fresh air to know there wasn't going to be any unwanted tension between me and her.

My aunts on the other hand definitely had some thoughts.

And that brings us to today. My mom warned me before we made it to Dees birthday dinner that her other sisters Lori and Patricia thought the whole thing was ridiculous and inappropriate.

"They better keep their opinions to themselves tonight or so God help me." I mumble as we pull into Dees driveway.

"If they say anything I'll shut it down." TJ says with confidence from the back seat. My dad gives him a high five for his protective behavior over me.

"Oh you know they will."

"Ok well we're here so let's just try and get through the evening without any outburst?" My mom pleads with worried eyes. We all agree to keep it civil. But only it they do. Dee I'm not worried about, but the other two were always so judgmental. They never liked that I didn't get a bachelors degree like I planned. I was on track to transfer from the local community college until my childhood best friend past away. It rocked my whole world and I was never the same. They simply don't understand it.

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