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Christmas morning, my favorite day of the year

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Christmas morning, my favorite day of the year. It's always held such a special place in my heart, ever since I was a kid. I'd always sleep in the living room next to the Christmas tree in my Barbie tent, just to catch a glimpse of Santa. Even when I found out he wasn't real, I still kept up the tradition. Whether times were good or bad, everything felt right on Christmas.

With Harry's head nestled underneath my chin, I glance at the digital clock on the nightstand past and it flashes 5:00 am. I groan at the sight knowing I've only gotten 4 hours of sleep.

Fucking jet lag.

I roll over to get more comfortable and try and go back to sleep but Harry begins to stir. "You know for someone who can fall asleep at the drop of a hat, you sure do wake easily." I whisper. He chuckles under his breath behind my head and pulls me in tighter. "Hush up. Go back to sleep."

"I can't. Wide awake." I groan.

Light pecks graze my jaw from my chin up my ear. "Hmm, that's a shame, what are we going to do about that, huh?" His voice was husky and low, teeth gently tug on my ear lobe. The sensation sends a shiver down my spine I physically shudder.

I turn my face to meet his eyes in the dim moonlight shining behind him. It's just enough light to be able to make out the outline of his features, but somehow his eyes shine through the darkness. "But you'll have to be very quiet. No noise."

"I'm up for the challenge." Harry litters my neck with hot opened mouth kisses, his free hand sliding past the waistband of my underwear. I was soaked through already and he hasn't even touched me yet. With his index finger sliding through my drenched folds, I choke back a gasp. "Mmm such a needy little thing aren't you?" Harry teases my entrance, taking his time with me. "Gonna cum all over my fingers, sweetness?" He moaned.

"Always do."

He pulls my underwear down past my feet, throwing them somewhere across the room. The pads of his fingers rub gentle circles around my clit and out of instinct, my legs spread for him. "Always so wet for me." His middle finger makes its way inside of me abruptly, causing me to yelp.

Big mistake. His movements halt all together. "Make one more sound and I'll stop."

I nod and pull the pillow up to bury my face into it to stifle my giggles. Harry gives me a peck on the cheek and continues to circle his thumb on my bud, sinking one finger inside of me. "Good girl."

Harry slides another finger inside of me, working me so incredibly slow, I could scream. I was trying really hard not to let out even a sigh this time, biting down on the pillow now in front of me. My free hand grabs onto his neck behind me as he litters my own neck with open mouth kisses and the occasional nip against my flushed skin.

The tightness in my stomach was building at an incredibly slow pace and I can feel him growing hard against my ass, so I push my hips into him. Instinct takes over and his hips find a rhythm pushing into me lightly to get some relief of his own.

Daydream [H.S. A.U.]Where stories live. Discover now