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 Hospitals have always disturbed me

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Hospitals have always disturbed me.

I absolutely hated them.

I sit in the waiting room with my mom, my dad, and my aunt Dee anxiously waiting for visiting hours to come around. We'd been here all fucking night, none of us wanting to leave TJ alone. They were able to stabilize him after the overdose and he was resting in his room. Since visiting hours were technically over we weren't allowed in his room and were told to leave but aunt Dee being the tough broad she is, she fought with the staff to let us just stay in the waiting room at least.

There was no way in hell we were leaving him.

Knowing that he was ok brought me some relief but not enough to settle the sick feeling in my gut. I haven't hardly slept all night but finally dozed off for a bit early this morning with my head resting on my aunts shoulder. After a very uncomfortable power nap in the hospitals pale blue chairs my phone buzzes from a text, waking me up. I glance at my Lock Screen and see Harry had texted me checking in. By now it was about 7:30 am.

Shit. I was supposed to call him back.

I shoot him a quick text apologizing and letting him know the situation. The sweet man that he is asked if any of us needing anything, I let him know we didn't need anything but thanked him for the offer.

I don't know how he'd be able to do anything from Chicago but knowing him he'd figure something out and do something drastic.

I texted Capri and Jaqueline to let them know what was going on since they'd known my cousin for years and were going to be here in a bit once visiting hours started at 8. My mom and dad offered to go pick up breakfast for everyone insisting that we eat something finally, but I stubbornly protested knowing I wouldn't be able to eat a bite of food until I see my cousin awake.

My phone dings again signaling that my two best friends were on their way up. Hearing the elevator doors crank open and seeing both girls hustling out of them, I spring from my chair. They embrace me in a warm hug, squeezing me tight. My aunt Dee came up from behind me as we part.

"It's so nice to see you girls thank you for coming. How is everyone?" She asks clearly forcing a smile. "We're good. Any updates?"

"Well he's ok now. He was up all most of the night throwing up, but according to the doctor he's been sleeping well the last three hours or so.." I can see the bags under her eyes even though she tried to cover them with concealer earlier. "We're hoping he's through the worst of it." A young nurse approach's us finally saying that TJ was awake and ready for visitors, so the four of us follow her close behind to his private room.

I hadn't seen him in about a year or so, and to tell you that I didn't recognize the man in front of me is an understatement. His skin was chalky and lackluster. He always had the prettiest brown skin. Jaqueline and Capri give him a small wave from the door as to not intrude. I leaned on the bed to give him a hug, which he returns slowly but without protest.

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