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I spent the night tossing and turning with the anticipation of having to file a protective order against Luke today

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I spent the night tossing and turning with the anticipation of having to file a protective order against Luke today. I'd hoped it wouldn't escalate to him harassing other people in my life, especially Harry, but of course in typical Luke fashion, he wants to try and disrupt my life and take away anything that brings me joy.

I sit up rubbing my eyes aggressively trying to reach for my phone on the bedside table as the sun hasn't come up yet.

I check the time and see that it's about 5:45, groaning at the horrendous hour my body decided was the time to rise. I think today is Monday? I don't even know, I can't keep my days straight anymore. I set my phone back down on the table and roll over to rest just a little longer.

Harry clearly hasn't slept at all either as he stirred not even a few minutes after I did. "Bri? You awake again?" He whispers. I barely get out a hum, too tired to speak. He's probably looking at me too but my eyes are still knit shut from exhaustion. I feel the light brush of his fingers on my cheek, something I've noticed he does to try and get my attention first thing in the morning. I scoot closer to him as that's usually what he wants when he does that.

My bounding heart calms when his arms pull me into his chest. Wrapped up nice and right, my cold skin begins to feel warm. It's not fair really, I'm always freezing no matter what. I'd kill to be warm blooded, but with him as my personal heater I can't really complain.

I sigh into his collarbones taking in his presence in my sleepy state. His fingers run up and down my back, lulling me back to sleep. He did this every time I woke up last night too so I can't imagine he got much sleep either. He doesn't say another word as I finally drift back to dreamland.

**** **** ****

When I finally wake again it's about 8. Only got a two hours and fifteen minutes of rest, but I'll take it. I'm still curled up into Harry's body, feeling his chest rise and fall in sync with his light snoring, little puffs of air hitting my forehead. There's light now shining throw my window so I can now see Harry's eyes flutter open.

"Go back to sleep, it's still early." I mumble. He shakes his head lightly at me.

"But I don't want to go back to sleep." His voice is raspy and gruff.

"Why not? You didn't sleep well last night."

I peer up to get a look at his face and he's looking at me intensely, like he wants to say something. "What's that look for?"

"M'here." He lifts my chin ever so slightly and gives me two soft pecks on the lips. My heart hammers inside of my rib cage every time he does this, as if it's going to burst right out of my chest. I pull him back down and kiss him deeper. There's nothing intentionally sexual about this moment; just sweet and intimate. He matches my level of intensity grazing his tongue on my bottom lip asking for entry.

In a matter of seconds we're having a full blown make out session.

His hand holds the back of my head tightly like he couldn't get close enough, like I'm going to disappear if he lets go. I hold his wrists to prevent him from parting from me even for a second. I breath him in, he breaths me out, and I could just about die from bliss.

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