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The nervous energy coursing through me right now is working overtime as I check my suitcase to make sure that I have everything I needed from my list

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The nervous energy coursing through me right now is working overtime as I check my suitcase to make sure that I have everything I needed from my list. For the last 30 minutes, my mom has read off everything from it while I triple check that it's actually packed. Unzipping my suitcase, I dig around to make sure any and all liquids are safe and secure. The last thing I need is my very expensive hair care products and make up to bust open.

"Bria, you've already checked everything three times." My mom places her hand on mine to let go of the clunky plastic bag. "I think you're good."
She zips my bag up for me and takes it from my grasp. "I'm taking this far away before you drive yourself crazy."

Letting out a sigh I concede. My mom gives me a knowing smile, "Are you nervous?"

I sit down on the edge of my bed next to her, "No. Yeah. Sort of?"

"What's got you stressed?" She asks. "Is it Harry?"

I shake my head, "No not at all. He actually has the opposite effect on me. I'm more.... Excited than anything. I've just never gone away with someone before, so I'm not sure what to expect."

My mom gives me a soft pat on the shoulder, "Well I can tell you that you're going to have an incredible time with a man that adores you. Don't think too much about it, just be in the moment."

I know deep down that there was nothing to worry about for this trip. Harry and I mesh so well it's almost terrifying. He quickly caught on to certain quirks of mine that are so subtle that even I barely notice them anymore, let alone anyone else. When I pull at my fingers when I'm stressed, he gently pulls my hand away and plays with my fingers to settle me. When I'm feeling not so confident in my skin and constantly check over my appearance in any reflective surface I pass, he reminds me that i look beautiful that day. Whenever I'm stressed about work or family and I go silent, he never pushes me, just keeps conversation light and fun.

He is single handedly making me feel whole again.

I checked with TJ one last time to make sure he was ok with me being gone for the holidays, and he kept insisting I shut up and go on my "lovebird trip." He would be spending Christmas with the family for the first time in years. I told him to call me if drama gets too much to handle.

"Thanks for helping me today mom, I really appreciate it. I have so much stuff I didn't know what the hell to pack." I double check my carry on that has his gift for Christmas hidden in the bottom. Once it dawned on me what to give him, I made sure to pay whatever it took to have the shipping expedited.

My mom pulls me into a warm hug. "Of course! I'm very excited for you. What will y'all being doing while there?" She asks.

"Not too sure. He isn't telling me shit."

"That's adorable. He must have something romantic planned!" She chimes clapping her hands. I'm still not fully used to the relationship we now have as adults. It's only been in the last few years that we've really been able to be around one another without fighting.

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