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Just when I thought things were looking up, the inevitable shit show of my life rears it's ugly head

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Just when I thought things were looking up, the inevitable shit show of my life rears it's ugly head. I anxiously wait for Harry to arrive hoping nothing happens in the meantime, especially since Luke has proven he is psychotic and capable of doing some serious damage, both physical and emotional.

I nervously pick at my nails and try my hardest to keep my tears at bay. The air between me and TJ was tense and heavy; it felt like I was slowly suffocating from it, and he was obviously fuming. I swear if steam could come out of someone's ears, it would be coming out of TJ's.

"Your pacing is making me nervous."

"What are we going to do about this?" TJ halts his movements.

"I guess it's time I need to file a protective order. He's clearly not going to go away." I run my hand over my knees trying to remove the heavy layer of sweat that's now coating them.

"We'll do that tomorrow." He suggests nodding his head. I wrack my foggy brain for ideas and realize I still have the business card of a lawyer I reached out to originally when I was considering getting some kind of protective order back when I was going to leave Luke. It sits in my dresser drawer still.

"I have a contact. We'll do it first thing in the morning." Sitting across from me on the couch he physically relaxes his shoulders and lets out a heavy breath.

"Ok good. He isn't coming any where near you." He says firmly pointing his index finger at me.

I have always appreciated how protective he's been of me. Since I don't have any siblings, he was the closest thing I had. We spent our early childhood years living together: my parents and his mom all in a two bedroom tiny apartment downtown. We shared hand made clothes my dad used to make from his own wardrobe, fought over toys, had food fights from our high chairs. He's the closest thing I have to a brother.

I hear hurried footsteps coming up my sidewalk, a sign that Harry has arrived. I get up to open the door just as he's about to knock. I take him by surprise at first but then he engulfs me in his arms, breathing out a sigh of relief. He hugs me tight and doesn't let go for a solid 20 seconds or so. I finally part to take a look at his face. His eyes show me every emotion he's feeling right now, even with a smile on his face trying to mask it. I can tell he's concerned. There's not hiding it, I can read him like the back of my hand now.

"Come in it's cold out."

He shrugs off his leather jacket and I take it from his hands. I go to lay it on the dining table as he goes to greet my cousin. "Hey man, I'm TJ nice to finally meet it person." He reaches for Harry's hand to shake it.

"Likewise. Sorry it's not under better circumstances." He says with a sigh. The look in his eyes is clear as day: fear. Luke is now following him to get to me. I never thought things would get this out of hand. But that is pretty naive of me to think. The man is possessive of me and will stop at nothing to get what he wants; what he thinks he's owed.

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