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Pulling in to a long winding driveway lined with oak trees forming a natural archway at the top, the sky grows darker, rain clouds rolling in quickly

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Pulling in to a long winding driveway lined with oak trees forming a natural archway at the top, the sky grows darker, rain clouds rolling in quickly. I roll the window down as rain drops pelt the car and hold my hand out straight. Cold, hard droplets pelt my skin as we make our way to the front of Harry's home, Jaqueline and Capri in tow.

We pull in to the homes four car garage that was already housing a second Range Rover, because of course it is. How he managed to already have vehicles here is beyond me. Capri and Jaqueline pull up to the left of us and hop out simultaneously. All four of us look like the walking dead.

Harry punches in the code to the door that opened up to a side entry of the home. It smelled of fresh paint and cleaner. We made our way down a long hallway in to the open concept living room and kitchen area. There were two large leather sofas in the living room and a chaise lounge that was a bright teal color. With the back wall made up of nothing but floor to ceiling windows facing the backyard, it was a perfect front row seat to the thunderstorm that was beginning to rip through town.

"You ladies are in luck, I hired a house keeper who has stocked the fridge." He hands all of us bottled waters. "Bria are you hungry?"

"Surprisingly no, but thank you." He nods as he runs his bag upstairs leaving me and the girls in the kitchen, so I decide to explore a bit. Capri and Jaqueline were perfectly content with rummaging through Harry's food so I let them be.

Walking around the grandiose home i was mesmerized by every little detail the previous owner obviously put into it. He wasn't exaggerating when he said he bought it fully furnished; it's fully decorated too. There were massive black and white photographs of hills, mountains, and flower fields, a contrast to the abstract artwork thrown in the mix full of bright colors.

Turning the corner towards the back of the house, I find the office with black built in book cases that Harry was raving about when he found this place. I plopped down on the large blue armchair that sat under a bay window, taking in the peace and quiet aside from the rolling thunder and rain hitting the windows . The grass was a gorgeous bright green color as the rain soaked through, bringing everything outside to life.

That's how Harry makes me feel. Like a necessary thunderstorm rolling in soaking through the drought stricken earth, bringing everything back to its original beauty. I felt so drained and worthless, starving for a lifeline, until he came into my life.

After a few moments alone I see Harry peek his head in holding a hot cup of tea. He remains at the door waiting for the ok to come in to which I nod as confirmation. He hands me the mug filled to the brim with chamomile tea. I thank him and take the mug of tea hugging it close, gazing out the window once more. The rain was coming down pretty hard now so the window was no longer see through, just blurred shades of green.

Harry settles in on the arm of the chair gently placing his hand on my knees.  I can see him from the corner of my eye trying not to stare, but he's not the best at hiding it.

Daydream [H.S. A.U.]Where stories live. Discover now