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"J I need help with my hair it's being a little bitch right now!"

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"J I need help with my hair it's being a little bitch right now!"

Jaqueline stumbles into the bathroom with one boot on and half a face of make up done.

"Jesus B you're like having a helpless toddler around." I smack her in the thigh as she stands behind me trying to tame my wild curls.

"Look I can't contain the beast ok? It takes two."

After many failed attempts, I allow my hair to go natural and wild for the night. Jaquelines fiery red locks fell down her back with a small bun holding back her shorter layers.

Jaqueline helped me with my make up since I'm terrible at it. We threw in a thin line of glitter eyeliner as a final touch. I grab my amber oil and apply it generously on my wrists and neck when I get a text that our Uber has arrived.

"You ready?!" I shout at Jaqueline as she rushes out of the bathroom zipping up her pants and strikes a pose. "Hell yeah I am!" I give her a thumbs up and grab my cross body bag and rush out the door.

We arrive at Moody Center about an hour and a half before the show begins and there's a massive crowd already formed. I texted Harry letting him know we're outside and he lets me know that one of his people was already waiting for us at the west gate entrance. Walking up the steps there where thousands of people patiently waiting to enter. A tall security guard walks up to Jaqueline and me and ask us our names. Once confirmed he waves us to follow ahead of him while another security guard unlocks and opens the door for us.

We make our way through the venue which was packed with colorful balloons and Harry's House signs when a tall blonde woman shouts out at us. I turn and she's waving her hands to walk towards her. "Thanks boys I'll take it from here!" The two security guards nod and head back out the glass doors.

"Hello ladies! I'm going take you to the back stage area yeah?" The two of us follow her across the arena floor and through thick black curtains that lead to a long bright hallway.

We turn a corner and come to a large room full of people running around talking on walkie talkies, rolling out stage equipment and hollering at one another. "So the two of you can just hangout in here. I'll bring you some waters."

She rushes off leaving us on a room full of strangers, my least favorite thing in the world. I look over at Jaqueline and she can tell I'm not very comfortable right now. She grabs my hand and walks me to the hallway where it's more quiet.

"Hey you doing ok?" She asks. "Yeah, yeah I just didn't know we'd be back-fucking-stage and I'm freaking out!" I say with a laugh.

"Hey, there you are!" I hear that familiar voice come from down the hall. We both glance to our left and see Harry himself is jogging down the hall in his white baggy Nike tshirt and blue shorts. "So glad you made it in once piece."

"Thanks for having us. I'm surprised we are back here though." Jaqueline mentions.

"I figured I'd be much better than standing out in this heat, and I wanted to show you around. Follow me, there's a quieter place for you girls to hang out before the show." He turns on his heel makes his way back down the hallway with us right behind him.

Daydream [H.S. A.U.]Where stories live. Discover now