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Trigger warning: mentions of drug use and overdose

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Trigger warning: mentions of drug use and overdose

The next day still riding my high from last night, I arrive to work earlier than normal to catch up on everything I missed that afternoon prior.
Since it was Wednesday that means it was realtor property tour day.

Shoot me now.

The office was crawling with realtors which means Amanda and myself were going to be disrupted quit a bit today. Their high pitched voices and fake positively was making me want to crawl out of my skin. We lay out the breakfast tacos and folders with each property they're going to check out today and yet it never fails that at least one will ask what it's for.

Our agency owner Edward runs the tours to assist up and coming realtors on what to look for from an insurance perspective when they have a potential client purchasing a home; things that need fixing or hazards that may go overlooked if you're not educated on the subject.

He comes tearing in through the door in a hurry to get everything set up on the bus. We get a quick hello while he's on the phone as he rallies everyone outside. Once the rest of the realtors arrive they pile on the bus with their folders of information and head out. Finally.

After two hours the office is quiet again and I can back to my desk and proceed through me work day.

The peace didn't last very long though. My group chat with Capri and Jaqueline was blowing up with questions about my date with Harry. I was too busy to respond right away but I was able to catch a peak at the overload of questions.

Invasive questions of course.

While typing out a snarky remark to get them to back off my phone begins to ring; Mommy Dearest flashing across the screen.

"Hey mom what's up?"

"Hey kiddo, wanted to give you an update. We were able to locate TJ, he's apparently living in his car." I couldn't help but feel sick to my stomach at her words, "Oh mom that's awful..."

"I know honey... Um. So his mom is bringing him food and water. We're working on a plan to try and get him to come home, hopefully rehab."

My heart breaks in two. I know my cousin has been struggling lately, I know the feeling all too well, and we hadn't heard from him in a while.

"I'm glad y'all found him. Does he need anything?" I ask.

"No don't worry, Dee said she's got everything she needs, just wanted to give you an update. Are you coming over for dinner tonight?"

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