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The hangover is kicking my ass this morning

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The hangover is kicking my ass this morning.

Why did I drink so much wine?

I arrive to work the next morning at least 30 minutes late, rushing in with coffee for Amanda and myself and place it at her desk.

I hate being late.

I plop down at my computer and frantically log in to everything. I see I have a ton of emails and follow ups and groan in irritation. Today was going to be a long one.

Amanda walks in and asks how the show was and was shocked I even came in. "I'm exhausted but I have so much work to do." I will definitely need two cups of coffee today to survive.

Maybe intravenous drip would be best.

"Ok well if you want to you can work a half day. I know you're tired". She was the best manager anyone could ask for. "I might take you up on that." She nods at me as she walks out of my office back to hers for a conference call.

I get through the busy morning, but around 12:30 I could feel my 2nd round of caffeine wearing off. I decided it was time to take Amanda up on her offer to go home early.

After finishing lunch I knock on her door to not intrude too much. "Come in!" She hollers. Creaking open her glass door she has a knowing look on her face already.

"Hey is that offer to take a half day still on the table?" I ask.

"Of course! I'll be here the rest of the day and Ed's coming in for a life review with a few clients." She waves me away. "Go go!"

"Thank you so much. I'm planning on working from home the rest of the week since the trainee is out if that's ok?"

Amanda let's out an amused laugh, "Bria you know you don't have to ask. You're practically a manager too these days so feel free to work from home."

"You're the best! See you next week!"

I walk back into my office, log out of my computer and grab my things. Once I make it to my car I feel my phone buzzing. I glance down and see HS calling. My heart skips a beat as I answer. "Hello?" 

"Hey Bri! Are you busy?"

"Ummm no not really, just leaving work. What's up?"

"I'm finishing up a working lunch with my team then heading to the Moody to sound check for the show."

"Busy busy day huh?"

"Busy busy life more like it. Would you like to come by? Even stay for the show if you're not doing anything tonight."

I'd be stupid not to.

"I'd love to." The smile creeping across my lips is undeniable.

"Wonderful. Let me know when you've arrived and I'll send someone with security to walk you in, yeah?"

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