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Trigger warning: There will be a mention of a rape kit in this chapter but only once

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Trigger warning: There will be a mention of a rape kit in this chapter but only once.

Take care of yourselves!


That's all I feel when my eyes flutter open. I could hear the sounds of cars passing by and the wind blowing, crickets chirping in the grass not far from where I lay.

I push myself up on my arms and realize that my head was throbbing. I place my fingers on my forehead and feel drips of something wet. I glance at my fingers and see they're stained bright red, and then the realization hit me like a ton of bricks.


I sit up on my knees trying to get my bearings, my chest feeling like a thousand pound weight had been placed on it. I frantically look for my phone and see it's on the ground about 4 feet from the car. I grab my cell, prop myself up against the side of the car and call Capri.

"Hey B where'd you go?" She practically hollers over the music inside.

My throat was dry and scratchy I could barely chock out words.

"Capri. I-I need help."

I hear her starting to rush through the crowded pool hall on the other end of the phone. A few moments later i can see her running across the lot. "Bria?" Her wary eyes scan my bruised and scuffed up arms and face, an incredulous expression setting in her eyes as the seconds tick by.

"Im taking you to the hospital. Come on." She helps me up slowly and I crawl in to the back as she hops in the drivers seat and throws the car in reverse. We peel out of the parking lot and rush to the closest hospital.


I'm moved from the ER to a room upstairs after my injuries were assessed. I had five stitches to close the laceration above my brow bone and a rape kit was performed just in case. Capri comes in with Jaqueline right behind her. Ian must have brought her up to the hospital once we arrived, I guess Capri called her which I had no recollection of.

They both close the large brown door for more privacy. The room was cold and unwelcoming to say the least with pale pink paint plastered on the walls and one window of the city.

They both sit on the side of the bed holding my phone and my purse. "I need my phone."

Capri hands it to me and I pull up Harry's contact.  I call out and after a few rings but I decide hang up like the coward that I am. He told us to be safe tonight and I have failed tremendously. Both of my friends give me a dreary look. "Why'd you hang up?"

I didnt want to burden him with this. I was also in no position to talk about it either. Before the girls could protest, Harry calls me back. I look at them and clam up, panic and adrenaline flooding my body. "Do you want me to talk to him?" Jaqueline asks. I nod my head in response. She takes my phone and answers. "Hey Harry it's J."

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