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Today was not a good day mentally

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Today was not a good day mentally. I woke up with the worst anxiety I've had in months. Nothing really triggered it per se which was even worse. When I know what's driving the internal panicky feeling I can fix it, but today was not one of those days. I'm assuming it's because of Harry and I's date later so to avoid backing out and fucking it up I kept myself busy.

After spending the day cleaning up around the house and grocery shopping, I ended up spending time reading on a blanket in the field down the street from my house. It's my favorite spot to decompress. The small field hasn't been developed yet and I hope it never is. When I'm feeling anxious or stressed, it's my go to place.

Since it isn't the season for wildflowers with it being early October, it's a lot less vibrant right now, but serene nonetheless. Listening to the sounds of bees and cicadas buzzing, the light breeze blowing my hair across my face, and the fresh air calms my nerves. It settled me down so much that I fell asleep for a bit under the warmth of the sun and was woken up by Harry calling me. It was about 5 o'clock now. I answer his call in a sleepy voice. "Did I wake you up?" He questions.

"Yes but don't worry about it, I needed to get up anyways. Hold on one second." I set the phone down and wad up my blanket in my arms. "Ok! I'm back." I say out of breath a bit. "What in the world are you doing?" He asks.

"Oh you know, taking a nap in a field."

He pauses for a moment before letting a small chuckle leave his lips, "Ok you'll have to to explain that one to me later. I'm available earlier than I planned is it ok if I head your way?"

"Absolutely. See you soon."

I walk home and hop in the shower to get ready for our date. I pull out one of the few dresses I own to wear tonight. I chose a flouncy navy blue summer dress that matches my black boots perfectly. I throw my hair up in a clip and throw on some make up when I hear a light knock, sending my heart racing.

Opening the door I see Harry dressed in a white button down not fully buttoned paired with black trousers. His cross necklace laid perfectly between his collarbones and his tattoos were peering out in the open part of his shirt.

Stop starting Bri, it's creepy.

"Hello gorgeous, these are for you." He pulls a bouquet of pink tulips from behind his back.
I take them from his hand and drag him inside. "They're beautiful thank you." I place them in the kitchen in the one vase I actually own.

"So where are we heading tonight?"

"How do you feel about Italian?"

"Love it."

"Perfect. Then you'll love this place." Grabbing my keys and locking up we jump in his car and head out. His music comes through the speakers and Harry taps his fingers on the steering wheel and sings along freely.

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