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"Oh my god if you don't get your ass out of that bathroom I'm going to murder you!" I roll my eyes for the umpteenth time as I finish applying my mascara to my eyelids

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"Oh my god if you don't get your ass out of that bathroom I'm going to murder you!" I roll my eyes for the umpteenth time as I finish applying my mascara to my eyelids. I touch up my lipgloss, fluff up my curls and open the bathroom door to a very irritated Jaqueline.

Her tattooed arms are folded over her chest, a sinister glare settled on her face.

"If I tell you that you look hot will you stop yelling at me?" Jaqueline is forever rocking mostly black edgy attire and she slays every time.

Her eyes squint at me not playing along

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Her eyes squint at me not playing along.

"Someone's panties are in a twist tonight." I tease as I walk past her. I grab my purse and pack of cigarettes, unplug my phone, and shove it into my bag. I do a once over in the mirror to make sure my outfit is in place before leaving the room.

"Well we were supposed to leave like 30 minutes ago

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"Well we were supposed to leave like 30 minutes ago. Come on slow poke!" She tugs at my hand urging me out of my bedroom. "Jeez I'm going!" I let out a loud huff and stomp down the stairs to the front door. Jaqueline follows closely behind and begins to turn off all the lights and follows me out the front door to the driveway.

The two of us planned on meeting up with some friends at a bar downtown which really wasn't my scene anymore, but she hounded me for days to live a little. I finally caved and am now allowing her to drag me to a bar on a muggy Friday night. The summer has been tortuous, so the nights provide hardly any relief. I fling open the passenger side door and settle in on a pile of clothes in jaquelines front seat.

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