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I slept harder than I had in weeks last night

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I slept harder than I had in weeks last night. I could feel my body trying to stir but I wanted just 10 more minutes of slumber. The level of comfort under the duvet was unimaginable, I could sleep forever here. That was until I could hear the light shuffling of Golden boy trying not to wake me.

Unfortunately, I'm a relatively light sleeper so no matter how much he tiptoes around, I can hear him. I pull the duvet cover off my face and see the sunrise peeking through the curtains. It was about 8, so the light from the sun wasn't harsh yet. Harry had set down a glass of water, a cup of coffee, and a pharmacy bag on the night stand to my left. The smell of freshly brewed coffee pulled me all the way out of my groggy state.

"Is it Christmas already?"

Harry comes out of the bathroom and rolls his eyes. "Yes dear, Santa came early, now take these." He take a pill bottle out of the bag. "What are they?" I ask rubbing my tired eyes.

"The nurse mentioned you might want to take these for pain for a few days while your body heals. It's only tramadol and extra strength Tylenol, so nothing hard core." Unfolding a piece of paper, Harry scans it quickly, his lips quirked to the side as he reads. "They also prescribed something to sleep just in case you need them, I made sure they called them in for you." He starts pulling everything out of the small pharmacy bag and unfolding the instructions. "I've got all the instructions, but they told me you'd need 1 tramadol ever 4 hours and 1 Tylenol ever 2 to 4- what are you staring at?" He questions.

I didn't realize my mouth was hanging open in surprise at how thoughtful he's being.

"You are something else you know that? You didn't have to do all of this so early, I could have gotten everything later."

He smiles, "I don't mind. You needed the rest, and I like doing things for you so suck it up, butter cup."

Sighing, I open the tramadol and take one, "butter cup, that's a new one?"

He shrugs, "The nicknames are endless for you, Angel."

He's going to kill me with all this sweet talk.

Harry heads in to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day so I grab my phone from the night stand to occupy myself. Of course I have quite a few texts from my friends checking in on me. Hopefully one day they won't have to do that so often.

Part of me was thankful that I was unconscious during the whole ordeal, but on the other hand how do you recover from something you don't fully remember? How do you process trauma that's hiding in the recesses of your mind? Luke has caused his fair share of emotional trauma that graduated to him hurting me physically, and for a while I compartmentalized it all. At least this time around I have the tools to cope, but at the same time do I even want to remember this horrific ordeal fully?

My mind starts to race through all of the things I now have to tackle as I attempt to heal. I was getting better these last 8 months and now I feel like I'm right back at the beginning.

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