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Hot shower water pelts my skin, steam filling the bathroom, my fingers tugging at Harry's soaked locks while is face is buried in between my legs

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Hot shower water pelts my skin, steam filling the bathroom, my fingers tugging at Harry's soaked locks while is face is buried in between my legs. He demanded that he return the favor since I'd taken such good care of him for his birthday, and I wasn't going to deprive him of what he wants.

His tongue sinks into me fully, lapping up as much arousal as he possibly could. I let go of his hair and support myself against the shower wall behind me while my knees attempt to buckle out from underneath me. His nose rubs against my clit in the most sensual motions while his hands support my ass so I don't slip and fall. His low moans vibrate against me causing my hips to roll against his mouth out of instinct. I'll never get over how good he is at this.

His large hands help me along by pulling me closer and closer to his face, silently begging for me to come all over his mouth. With one leg hooked over his shoulder, I peer down at him devouring me for breakfast; his long damp lashes lay atop his cheekbones, his hair a mess in his fierce green eyes. He must have been handcrafted by the gods to be this breathtakingly stunning.

Moving his mouth up to my sensitive bundle of nerves, Harry slides one of his hands down my ass and sinks three fingers inside of me, sucking harder than ever. "Jesus fuck Harry!" I moan loudly as my orgasm hits me full force. My legs tremble as his fingers drag out the pleasure roller coaster I was riding, my vision blurring completely. Pulling out his fingers, Harry stands and sucks the taste of me off of his digits, one by one. "Mmmm, my favorite meal." Feeling fully fucked out, I take his hand and suck his fingers, tasting myself against his sweet skin. "I'm not done with you." I order.

Harry's eyes darken even more with lust, "turn 'round." Propping one of my knees on the tile bench, Harry strokes himself a few times before sinking into me. He doesn't go easy on me whatsoever, slamming his hips into me with full force. The sound of slapping wet skin shocks every nerve in my body. "Always so fuckin' tight," he groans. I clench around his cock on purpose knowing how much it irritates him, "Shit baby, don't do that."

I do it again, resulting in him smacking me on the ass. I yelp out and giggle at him, "Stop being bad, got it?" He orders. Glancing over my shoulder, I smile at him, "Whatever you say, daddy."

That was it, the one phrase that sent him into a frenzy. Harry's hands grip my hips as he rails into me relentlessly. "Fuck, say that again!"

Through pants and whines, I muster up the words again, "So good to me, daddy... So fuckin' good."

"You're mine forever." He groans through a clenched jaw. "M'gonna fuck a baby in you one day..."

"Yours... yours, fuck... f-forever..." the tip of his cock rams harsher into me over and over again, sending a pleasurable pain up my spine. "Harry I need to cum, please..." I couldn't hold back any longer as my self control was dwindling by the minute. "Not yet, don't you dare."

God he's going to kill me.

I beg for it over and over again, needing to let go, but Harry insists on being bossy as shit right now. "You cum when I say, go it?"

Daydream [H.S. A.U.]Where stories live. Discover now