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Sorry it's a long one!

Today was Friday, the first real quality time with Harry

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Today was Friday, the first real quality time with Harry. He definitely wasn't going to let me forget that I promised to show him around, so that was the plan for tonight. I worked from home this week and don't have much going on which inadvertently gave me time to panic about seeing him again.

I realize that I'll be spending actual quality time with Harry now, which I wasn't sure I was ready for but it's happening regardless.

I finished my work around 2:30 so it was perfect since I was picking up Trey and Ash from school today.

Once I pick up Ash from kindergarten I race over to Trey's middle school down the road. With both boys in the back already bickering, I call Capri letting her know I've got them safe and sound and we were heading home.

"You're a life saver. I'll be home in about 20 minutes. Can you sit with them?" She asks.

"I would be honored. I'll put on a movie for Ash and make sure Trey starts his homework."

"Ok perfect I'll see you in a few." She hangs up right as I arrive at her apartment. Trey hops out of the car helping his little brother out of his booster seat.

"Ok my dudes head on in and Trey, start your homework please." I say firmly. "Ugh ok fine." He rolls his eyes and unlocks the door. 11 year olds are so damn moody.

I get Ash settled with a snack and put on Moana, his current Disney obsession. I cozy up with him on the couch and not long after I hear the front door open. Capri comes flying in, blonde hair blowing around her face.

"Hey lovey!" She greets.

"Hey hot stuff, how was your day?"

"Oh you know living the dream." She says sarcastically. She throws her bag down and kisses Ash on his forehead. "How was your day Ash?" She asks.

"Oh! It was sooooo good. We finally got to play in the sand box again. It had cat poop in it so they had to clean it so we couldn't play in it for a looooong time." We both laugh at his attempt at story telling. "I was verwy excited."

"I bet you were squish!" Capri cheers.

I feel my phone buzz, it's a text from Harry.

HS: "Is it ok if I head your way?"
Bria: "Sure, I'll be home in 15 minutes or so."
HS: "Meet you there :)"
Bria: "drive safe!"

"Who are you texting that has you smiling so big?" Capri asks with her eyebrows raised.

"No one." I mumble in response. She scoffs at my response knowing I'm full of shit.

"it's Harry isn't it!? J told me he asked to see you again?" She picks up Ash and places him in her lap snagging one of his dried banana chips from his bag.

Daydream [H.S. A.U.]Where stories live. Discover now