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Harry was finishing up his US shows the last few weeks and I'd be lying if I wasn't counting down the hours until he was back in town

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Harry was finishing up his US shows the last few weeks and I'd be lying if I wasn't counting down the hours until he was back in town.

He'd text me as often as he could which was usually after a show late at night to which I responded early the next day. When he had a day off he'd FaceTime me insisting on seeing my face even if it was just through a camera. I could see in his eyes that he was exhausted most days, but he truly loved what he did so he always pushed through. Every night he'd give 200% of himself and it brought me so much joy seeing the videos online the next day. He brings nothing but positively and light to thousands and I was grateful that I now was getting to experience it first hand.

Shortly after I leave for my lunch break he calls me, "Hey handsome!"

"Hello beautiful, how are we on this lovely Wednesday?"

"Better now that I'm talking to you."

"Well I'm glad I could brighten your day." And he really does. It's almost embarrassing to admit how giddy I get when he calls me. "Guess what?" He prompts.


"I'll be seeing you tomorrow."

My heart almost jumps out of my chest, "Are you joking? Because if you are it's a mean joke."

Harry scoffs at me, "No love, I'm not joking. I have been chatting with some real estate agents and thought it'd be a good investment to purchase a house there. I've already found one."

Purchase. A. House. Here???

My shock prevents me from responding right away, "i mean it made sense to purchase, I'll be working with a band there so I figured why not?"
His voice sounded more timid than usual, indicating he thinks I think this is a bad idea. "Yeah yeah! That's genius honestly. It's a surprise for sure." I rush my words out to reassure him.

"Well I hope it's a good surprise??"

"Harry, yes of course it is. This is... fucking awesome. When are you expected to close?"

"Actually, tomorrow. I'll be in town tomorrow morning." I could hear his normal voice coming through the receiver now.

My chest tightens from excitement and I take a deep breath, to which he notices. "Forget to breath there?" He teases.

"Ha-ha-ha very funny... But yes. I did. Don't judge me." I mumble back.

"It's ok, I tend to have that sort of affect on people." I could literally hear the smirk as the words roll of his tongue. Little shit.

"Wow full of ourselves a bit aren't we?" I roll my eyes though he can't even see me right now.

"Mmmm just a tiny bit. I'll swing by tomorrow after i close?"

The biggest smile spreads across my lips knowing I'll get to see him again in less than 24 hours. "Absolutely. See you tomorrow." I pull up to my usually smoothie place and let him know I've gotta hang up and I'd talk to him later.

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