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Having never been out of the country before, England was incredibly fascinating

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Having never been out of the country before, England was incredibly fascinating. The thin layer of snow that fell before we arrived pads the rolling hills and the roofs of little cottages that fly by as we drive. It's the most beautiful scenery I could have ever imagined. We make the drive in decent time with only 20 minutes left before we arrive. Harry made sure to stock up on snacks and drinks. He even went as far as making a very playlist for the trip. When I asked why he did that he said, "Having you here is something important, so I want to remember all of this. Every little piece. Every song on this playlist will remind me of this moment, driving home for Christmas with my favorite girl."

Harry always speaks in a way that makes me feel endlessly special.

My phone buzzes over and over interrupting our fun. I turn the music down and see an unknown number calling. I reject it assuming it's spam.
Shortly after it called back. "Who is it?" Harry asks.

"I don't know it says unknown. They've called twice now. Probably bill collector or something." I reject it again.

A few minutes later I get a chime from a voicemail. I roll my eyes and decide to listen and realize that it's Luke, sounding plastered, cussing me out for being served with the protective order.

I don't even finish it before stopping it from playing and lock my phone. "Fucking Luke." I grumble.

"You're joking." I see Harry's hands gripping the wheel a little tighter, his knuckles turning white. I rub his left one gently to ease the tension. "Babe it's fine. He's throwing a fit about the protective order. We expected this."

"I really wish you'd let me get you a bodyguard." He glances at me swiftly before looking back at the road. I sigh heavily at the thought. I don't want to be followed around by a guard. The protective order should stop the harassment soon enough.

"Please?" I look over and see his expression was desperate.

"We can revisit the topic when we get back."

With that, Harry nods and kisses my hand with a smile now that I am at least willing to discuss it again. That night he came home after Luke approached him I said absolutely not, but Harry's concerned and I'm willing to talk about it again. For his sake.

Eventually we pull into the driveway of Anne's home and my heart begins to pound inside my chest. I take a deep breath and climb out of the car, making my way to the door holding Harry's hand tightly. He taps the door with his knuckle a few times and enters. "Hello! Mum?" He hollers as we walk in. I can smell something amazing cooking in the kitchen to our left, as we turn the corner I see Anne at the counter pealing carrots.

"Haz!" She squeals.

"Mummy!" He let's go of my hand and scoops her in a spinning hug. I've never seen such a magnificent smile on his face. My heart clenches at the site. "How was the drive, dear?" She asks patting his cheek. "Good, good."

Daydream [H.S. A.U.]Where stories live. Discover now