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"Trey please grab your shoes and put them on we are already late!" Capri screams from across the apartment

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"Trey please grab your shoes and put them on we are already late!" Capri screams from across the apartment. "Ugh mom come on 10 more minutes!" He begs. This kid can't stop Fortnite for a second.

"Trey listen to your mom, we've got people waiting on us. Now go get your shoes and your brother." He sighs heavily and throws the controller on the couch.

"Oh he's going to be oodles of fun when he's a teenager." I say to Capri who's coming out of her bedroom half dressed. "Don't remind me."

We gather up our bags and kids and make our way to the parking lot. I decided to come to Capri's with coffee and muffins to help her wrangle her two little monsters since they all three have a hard time getting anywhere on time.
Ash will find any reason to pull out more of his toys to show all while Trey won't put the Xbox controller down. To say that she needs some extra help would be an understatement, but I'm always happy to lend a hand.

We finally get the kids in to the Tahoe and head back to my house where Jaqueline and Harry wait patiently in the driveway. Jaqueline has of course her canvas bag full of snacks which she is already digging in to.

"Get in losers!" I yell through the window. I switch seats to the back so Harry and I can sit in the middle, offering up the from to Jaqueline and the monsters all the way in the back who are already fighting.

"Alright hoes buckle up." Capri hollers over Mike Dimes blaring through her busted speakers.

Harry's eyes rake over me as he gets settled in his seat, tugging on my white button up that hangs off my shoulders. "You look cute." I was already blushing but now I'm beat red. I give him a quick thank you before buckling myself in.

I whisper to Harry, "I suggest you say a quick prayer to whatever higher power you believe in because she drives for shit."

He looks over at me wide eyed. "Should I have said my goodbyes?" He answered feigning fear. "Oh for sure." I say with a laugh.

"You two hush up I'm not that bad!" She yells defending herself as she almost hits a curb.

Harry can't help but shake his head and groan. "Yeah, it looks like I'm dying today."

We make it about 10 minutes before Ash starts asking for his favorite song to be played.

"Of course squish!" Capri and Jaqueline turn to glance at Harry with a suspicious grin. Harry looks at me confused and all I can do is giggle and shake my head, "Get ready buddy."

"Ok are you ready?" Capri shouts.

"Yes mommy!" She changes the song to something Harry didn't expect.

Tastes like strawberries
On a summer evenin'
And it sounds just like a song

Harry can barely contain his laughter, "Fucking hell, this one?! This is his favorite song?"

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