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"Nora, honey i need you to put your shoes on!"

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"Nora, honey i need you to put your shoes on!"

I hear the loud thumping of 4 year old feet coming down the hallway and Harry hollering after her.

"Wait! Bug come back!" I set down the butter knife pausing my pb&j making and turn to see a half dressed Nora with one sandal on and Harry fast behind her with a bunny shirt and the other sandal in tow. I couldn't help but laugh hysterically at the site in front of me.

A lot of things have changed since we had our baby girl, but the best change was watching him become a father. I loved getting to experience him faun and spoil our little bug every day. I swear he does not know the word no and little Nora was fully aware of her powers over her dad. All she had to do was give him a pout, her bright hazel eyes pouring into his soul and he'd cave right away.

I didn't think I could love him more than I did already and yet, every day my adoration grows. It was the kind of love where you start to think every love song was written about you. Every day our love grows for one another and we just pour every ounce of it into our daughter.

"Oh H, now how did she manage to strip out of her clothes!"

He finally snags her in his arms to stop her from running, panting heavily. "Honestly love I have no idea. I turned around for a second and boom! Shoe flies across the bedroom." She grabs onto his neck and kisses his cheek sweetly, our hearts turning to mush. "Daddy I don't want those shoes today, I want my rain boots!"

"Bug, it's not raining and we're going to the beach, I don't think rain boots will work in the ocean very well." He sets her tiny frame down on the counter to put her bright pink jelly sandal back on her foot. "Now, we need to get going soon, we've got people waiting." For once he channels his dad voice to get her to listen and she surprisingly complies.

"Otay daddy!" He sets her down and she runs off into her play room off the side of the kitchen. Harry comes to my side to help finish packing our snacks, running his hands through his extra long hair.

"I give up on the shirt," he grumbles. "she can just stay in her cozzy."

I look at him confused. "Dont you mean swimsuit?"

He rolls his eyes and chuckles. "Whatever it's called!"

"I've been with you for five years, you'd think I'd learn all of your phrases but some still stump me." 

"You need to do your research." He points at me faking disappointment.

"I'll get right on that." I say with sarcasm.

I finish up Nora's lunch and pack it up in her bright pink lunchbox for our day at the beach. We were meeting Capri and the kids, along with J and Ian. They all left early to snag a decent spot on the beach and we were supposed to be right behind them. That was 30 minutes ago.

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