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Good afternoon folks! Welcome to PSP. It's 10:10am and a tad chilly today, a brisk 70 degrees and windy. I hope your flight was a pleasant one and thank you for flying American Airlines.

I grab my 2 carry ons from above my seat and eagerly wait to step off the plane to meet Anne and Gemma outside. They helped me plan a surprise visit for Harry's birthday tomorrow and apparently he has no clue I'm coming. Gemma mentioned he's been bumming around since yesterday, which made me feel guilty juuuust a little bit, but this surprise is going to be so worth it.

They decided to pick me up at the airport instead of me taking a taxi, adding to the suspense of my visit. They texted me saying Harry's been suspicious all morning wondering what they've been whispering about and wondered why he wasn't invited to go get their nails done with them. He'd texted me a few times just making light conversation, but once I turned my phone off of airplane mode I had to fib and say I was in a movie.

I made sure to turn my location off too that way he can't track my movements.

I make my way through the palms springs airport and the front doors with my luggage and see Anne and Gemma waving both arms at me. I pick up the pace and wrap them both in my arms for a hug, feeling whole being with them both again.

"How was your flight, dear!" Anne chimes squeezing me tight.

"Smooth! I'm just so glad to be here with y'all. Thank you so much for helping me pull this off. I owe you both big time."

"Of course! I love making Harry squirm. He's been up our butts all morning trying to figure out what's going on." Gemma was definitely having far too much fun with this, as am I.

"Good. I want him shocked to the core. I called him last night telling him I'd see him at the end of the month, so I know he's going to flip."

"Let me help you with your bags and let's get going!" Anne grabs my suitcase and leads the way to the car. I toss my stuff in the back quickly, eager to see Golden boy.

Since Harry has two shows here, tonight and his birthday show tomorrow, they've rented a place to stay for the few days he's here. We will be staying together with Anne and Gemma and I could not be more excited. I'd never made a trip to California before and this was the perfect opportunity to finally experience it right.

Driving to the rental, I was blown away by the scenery of Palm Springs. Crystal clear skies and palm trees for miles with mountains in the distance, it was an incredible sight to take in. The air felt crisp and fresh and a tad warm for winter, but I couldn't complain. We hop out of the car once we'd arrived and as I go to grab my things, Anne tells me shes got it handled. "Go inside, we've got it." She gives me kind smile and a nod to the door knowing how badly her son wants to see me.

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