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Trigger warning: domestic assault

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Trigger warning: domestic assault

Also don't yell at me but the Latin America part of the tour is not in this story.

It's been 2 days since Harry left town, so I'm back to my normal, extremely boring routine. I've been keeping myself busy at work and making honest efforts to see my mom more. Harry and I spent some time talking about the unconventional dynamic with my mom and how it was time to let go of that last piece of resentment I was subconsciously clinging on to all these years. I even started meditating to control my anxiety and cravings, cravings I've yet to disclose to him.

The internet had been buzzing about the photo of me sitting on his lap at the bar but I chose to ignore them. Jaqueline and Capri on the other hand couldn't get enough. I'm a pretty confident chick but the internet is a brutal place so even when they're saying semi nice things right now, there's going to be some not so kind words to go right along with them.

Once I got home from my long work day I get a call from Jaqueline requesting a girls night out and I wasn't going to deny her. I mean it was Friday and I could use it. I hadn't seen the girls as often as we usually do with school, work, and kids monopolizing our time.

I made it home and took a quick shower and started getting ready. It's about 7 now and I notice a missed call from Harry, so I call him back as quickly as my fingers would type.

"Hello gorgeous!" He answers with so much enthusiasm in his voice it was contagious. "Hello to you too! What's up? Aren't you working?" I ask.

"Yeah but I wanted to hear your voice." Harry get back in the booth please!

Of course he's not doing what he's told right now.

"Harry get back to work. You're going to get in trouble!" I scold him and he just laughs it off. "Nope, I want to hear about your day. Work can wait."

"Ok I'll give you a quick rundown so you're satisfied. Had a busy day so exhausting to say the least." I place my phone down on the counter on speaker so I can finish my hair and make up.

"Any Friday night plans?" He asks. Harry if you don't hang up that phone it's going to end up somewhere you won't like very much.

"Oh my god, Jeff will have your balls if you don't hang up."

"Well too bad for him. I'm not done talking to you. Please, continue."

"To answer your question yes, the girls and I are going out for some much needed quality time, so I will text you later now hang up and get back to work, slacker."

"Ok, ok bossy! I can't wait to see you. I should be back in a few days. Be safe tonight."

"I can't wait to see you either. Now please get back to work before you phone is confiscated." He lets out a loud huff, but eventually says goodbye and hangs up. Before I know it, Capri and Jaqueline bust through my front door hollering for me. This is going to be a long night.

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