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There have been only a handful of times where I have truly felt complete

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There have been only a handful of times where I have truly felt complete. I'd generally been a happy person and have always been grateful for the hand I've been dealt in life, but the older I got, the more it felt like a piece of me was missing. I love what I do and I wouldn't change a thing, but something has always felt off within me. Like I'd been searching for the last piece of the puzzle that made me feel complete.

That last puzzle piece is Bria.

I wake the next morning to sun shining brightly through my bedroom windows. It's always so much brighter reflecting off of freshly fallen snow from the night before. I feel Bria's light snores against my chest, puffs of air hitting me. I creepily love to watch her sleep. She was so peaceful. With her pressed against me, it gave me the opportunity to count out the tiny freckles on her nose. She has 14 of them. Her eye lashes laid flat on her high cheekbones that could cut glass, her wild curls falling out of her bun atop her head. I bask in the warmth of her body wrapped around me, the smell of her rose and ylang-ylang shampoo consuming my sense of smell. It was my new favorite smell. Catching a whiff of it just sent my heart racing.

I couldn't believe she already knew that I loved her.

But of course she did.

She's so good at reading people. Like too good. I've always been told I've been hard to read since I always keep every emotion bottled up, but not with her. I was becoming an open book without even noticing. She could tell every mood shift, almost as if she knows before I knew myself what I was feeling. I let every guard down when in her presence. She was everything I ever wanted in life. I mean, everything about her was perfection. I was half convinced we were made for one another. I gently run my finger up and down her bare back, it becoming a sort of a comfort for me. 

"Are you watching me sleep." She mumbles.

I guess she's awake now.

"So what if I was?"

"Creep." She giggles.

"I am not! You're just so damn cute when you sleep." I argue.

"Whatever you say." She sighs and squeezes me tighter. "What's the plan for today?"

"Whatever you want, my love. We can go to the Winter market? Can even check out some shops?"

"I like the sound of that." She kisses my chest lightly before sitting up. She winces as she sits on her bum and I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. "Don't laugh at my pain, you caused it." She gripes.

I couldn't help but scoff, "It's your fault. Couldn't get enough of me last night." She smacks my arm, quite aggressively I might add, in defense. "Hey! Who insisted on going at it again at 4am? That was all you buddy. You stay far away from me nether regions today."

I furrow my brows at her knowing damn well she's the one who kept pressing her ass into my dick. "Mmmm I'm not sure that's possible."

She glares at me playfully before rolling out of bed to stretch. Her back faces me as she does so, the sun shining on her and eliminating every inch of her bare skin. I know that she has said she was always self conscious about her appearance having looked different from her friends, but I loved her just as she was. She had this perfectly long torso, an hourglass shape, and an ass that wouldn't stop. She was a softer build which I found mouth watering. She whines when I kiss a part of her skin that had a stretch mark, even her little birthmark on her middle finger, but I always reminded her how beautiful they were. They made her, well, her. She was real and all mine.

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