1 - Like father, like son

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Venice's POV

"You can do better." He said, crumpling up the school gradebook.

"Why?? I came in second, Dad!"

"Second place is for the losers"

"Well...Uncle Tankhun said Khun Kinn was always first, not you."

"How dare you ?!" My father clenched his fists tightly to hold back his anger.

 His face was full of contempt looking at me.

"Vegas, Venice, stop!" My Dad came into the room, yelling at us.

Father just listens to my Dad. He relaxed his arms and straightened his suit.

"Don't let me see your face again." He told me coldly.

"Don't worry about that. You won't"

"Shut up, Venice." Dad scolded me.

I closed my mouth and turned my gaze to the floor.

Father gave me a contemptuous look and left the room.

Dad turned to me.

"Why is it always like this?" Dad spoke in a disappointed voice.

"Because no matter what I do, it's never enough. He hates me."

"Your father doesn't hate you."

"He's not my father. I'm the brother he never wanted to have."

"Never say that again, Venice!"

"Why? You know it's the truth, Dad...Dad?!... how can I call you Dad?! You two are too young to be my parents. I know I've always got in the way. It would have been better if I hadn't been born."

My dad held my arms tightly to shook me. His face was serious, hurt.

"Will you ever say something childish like that after a fight? Vegas hasn't learned to express his feelings properly, Venice. He doesn't hate you. He's so demanding of you because he does not want you to feel the same way he did at your age. He'd been through a lot, Venice, since a really young age. But Vegas was always worried about you. He loves you."

"Weird way to show it."

"You were the last bond that made the minor family a real family, Venice. Do not forget that." Dad stroked my hair. "Now go upstairs and take a shower."

"You know, Dad... I wish I could find someone like you like father did. Only you can understand him. Only you can make me feel better."

We hugged each other tight.


Vegas' POV

When the bedroom door opened, I knew I wouldn't be able to escape a lecture. I continued drying my hair with a towel, heading to the closet to grab a pair of pajamas.

However, Pete said nothing. He remained silent. He sat on the edge of the bed, leaning his back forward and looking down at the floor, rubbing his hands together thoughtfully.

I sighed, annoyed.

"Come on, I'm waiting for you to scold me."

Pete looked up at me. A disappointed, not angry look.

"The only thing I'm going to ask you for the thousandth time, Vegas, is when are you going to stop acting like your father and do things the way they're supposed to be done. You are not Khun Khan, Vegas. You know you don't want to be like him. So why do you insist on making the same mistakes he did? Venice is already a lot like you. Do you also want him to be unhappy and resentful like you were?"

VegasPete : The rival VeniceWhere stories live. Discover now