12 - Not like the rest

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Vegas's POV

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Vegas's POV

This boy is no different from the rest.

He's willing to please me.

So easy.

He wrapped himself in a towel and went out of the bathroom first.

I bet he's already lying on the bed waiting for me with his legs spread.

Those bitches are all the same.

As I comb my hair, looking at myself in the mirror, I think how satisfying it will be to fuck one of Kinn's bodyguards...have him at my feet...one more spy to serve my purposes.

I wrap a towel around my waist and leave the bathroom.

When I enter the room, only the lamp next to my bed is on.

"Pete?!" I see the boy lying in his bed, under the covers.

"Yes, Khun Vegas"

"Are you hiding under your blanket?"


I get close to the bed...

"Are you sure it's not a hide and seek game?!"

I take his blanket off.


"Why are you wearing this?"

"Well, this is my pajama... is there something wrong with it?" He starts to inspect his outfit.

He's wearing a shabby T-shirt and pants way bigger for his body. Not flattering at all.


"You said to come to bed..." I sit on his side of the bed, holding his face with my fingertips.

"To sleep"

"Are you playing some game...?" My fingers trail down his neck. Is this boy going to pretend to be innocent?...I'm not in the mood this time...let's just hurry this up.

"Ahem,...Khun Vegas..."

"Why have you got the trouble of putting something that I'm going to take off?!"

I speak both fierce and provocatively, nuzzling his neck.

"Khun Vegas..."

"What...?!" I put my other hand inside his shirt.


"Oh, he has arrived!" Pete sits on the bed.

"He? Who?!"

"That boy...Tawan"

"Tawan? Why? I haven't called him back here."

"I have"

"You? Why?"

"You are visibly aroused, sir. Better get this resolved soon."

Pete gets up and puts on his slippers.

"Hey, hey, hey...where are you going?"

"Wait outside. I don't feel comfortable watching the intimacy of my bosses, Khhun Vegas. If you'll excuse me."

"What the hell...Is this a joke?!"

"Joke?!" He shakes his dumb head. "No, sir!"

"Who ordered you to call Tawan back here?"

Pete's POV

"I'm sorry if I took the liberty, sir"

"You're not going anywhere!" Khun Vegas shouted to me. He seems furious.

He goes to the door.

When the door opens that Tawan boy grin widely to him.

"Finally, Vegas. I thought you wouldn't call me back tonight. I was bored alone...that Venice..."



I thought the door would break. How moody.

I turn to my bed... if he doesn't want company, what else can I do?!

"Hey, you!" he calls me, annoyed. What the hell are you thinking?!"

"My bad, I thought you wanted to relieve yourself, sir. I apologize."

"I want..." He lets the towel tied around his waist fall to the floor. "But if I wanted Tawan, I would have allowed you two to switch rooms." Khun Vegas comes walking towards me.

I stand by the side of my bed.

His gaze is ferocious...he's scaring...and I'm scared.


"Don't play dumb, Pete..."

We come face to face.

We are the same height. I feel his breath on my face. Damn! Why so close?!

"You know what I want..."

Khun Vegas reaches out his arm to hold my neck.

I grip his wrist tightly before he reaches my neck.

"I'm sorry...but I'm not a hole, sir."


Author's note:

I'm sorry about the length of this chapter. I'm going to  write the next chapter until the weekend. Thank you!

VegasPete : The rival VeniceWhere stories live. Discover now