30 - My swollen butt

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Venice's POV


I toast to myself and enjoy my orange juice and croissant for breakfast.

Pete is in the Minor Family Mansion with Vegas.

Now it's just a matter of time.

I'm pleased.


But not him.

I notice my little brother's vicious eyes staring at me.

"Don't think of anything mean to do to me, little brother."

"How can you eat while P' Pete is trapped in that house with that psycho?!"

"It's sound funny when you call Vegas psycho..."

Little demon narrows his gaze.

"Come on! You two psychos love Pete! He's okay, I'm sure! Don't worry too much."

"I'm not worried. I'm thinking."

"Don't think. It's dangerous when you think."

"I just want to be sure he is okay."

"Don't screw my plan! Besides...Khu Korn will be holding a party at the Main Family House tomorrow. We can check on him there."

"Can I go?!"

"I guess...It's a brunch...I'm going to ask father."


"Hey, promise me you won't interfere in their relationship."

"I'm seven...I don't even know what this word means."

"Don't mess with Vegas. Let them be."

"Phi is Vegas' bodyguard now...I can't do anything to harm that Asshole."

"I'm glad you know that! You definitely can't. You can harm Pete or get him scolded by Khun Kan if anything bad happens to Vegas. Have this in mind, little brother"




"Can I trust you?!"


My little brother toast to me and drink his orange juice.


Pete's POV

Why is he knocking the door? Can't he see it's locked for a reason?!

I'm in the middle of a crises right now...deep inner crises.

Oh My God...what have I done?!

I have cum leaking out of my ass! My ass! Come on?!There's not even a chance it's mine.

I pull my hair back in frustration.

It was my first time! I didn't even get a chance to do it when I was dating a girl...I was waiting...waiting for what?! TO BE SCREWED?! By a guy?!! A GUY?!

Not any guy... The eldest son of the Minor Family! MY BOSS! Temporarily boss, I should say.

No one can know about this. No one! I'll be fired. SO FIRED.

What's wrong with you, Pete?! WHY? WHY? WHY?

I was not even drunk.

Can I say in my defense I was kind of half awake, half dreaming?!

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