56 - Eternal love

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Credit: Pinterest. Vegas and Venice

Venice's POV

Vegas rolled down the window, surprised by my firm knocks.

"Won't you talk to him?!?!" I said straight away.

Vegas looked at me questioningly.

"Venice?! Are you awaked?! You followed me here?! Get in the car. Nop, turn around. Let's get out of here."

I beckon to my bodyguard follow Vegas' car. I get in his car.

"Why are you leaving?!"

"I just wanted to make sure he got home safe."

To give us privacy, Vegas lifts the glass that separates the back of the limo from the front.

"This is your chance, Vegas! Please...don't waste it this time. You know the truth now...don't let him go..."

"Did your evil brother tell you what he did to me and Pete?!"

"I know what he did was despicable...but he also took you to that bar...he's trying to make amends."

"Is that so?!" Vegas sneers.

"You clearly still care about Pete! Walk over to that house and talk to him! Do what you didn't do in that bar!"

From pleading to demanding... I look at him as making a request and giving a straight order. I can't take this any longer.

But his face grows darker and darker...until he explodes in anger and bitterness.

"Don't you think you've done enough Venice?! Just STOP it! I believed your nonsenses...I did what you told me to do. It was useless, Venice. ALL USELESS!"

"...I know I FAILED YOU...and Pete...but...I was desperate."



"Once and of all, Stop meddling in other people's business."


"I don't care about your reasons. I don't care if you are from the past, the future, another dimension...I don't care about anything anymore..."

"Even if you hate me, you don't hate Pete. And Pete still likes you..."

"If your brother didn't lie, he knows truth as well. He haven't come to me."

"You know how Pete is...he won't come to you. Not because he has any stupid pride, but because he feels ashamed for not believing in your love for him...He feels undeserving. Please, go there and solve this...you guys can talk and..."

"What about me?!! Huh?! Have you ever thought about MY FEELINGS?! Have you ever considered how I felt for being sent for another country, not being able to say a single word against it? How I was led to believe Pete deceived me all the time he spent with me. How I suffered thinking he was never true to me when Pete was my first and only love? I didn't just lose Pete. I lost the chance to live with my family too. I lost EVERYTHING and EVERYONE dear to me. SO YES! YES! I WANTED TO HATE PETE EVERY DAY for the last 1800 days I could do nothing but think of him. I WANTED TO DESTROY PETE INSIDE OF ME SO BAD!" He shouts.

I could feel his deep pain reflected in his red, watery eyes.

"H-have you...!?" I felt my eyes burning and wet too.


"Have you destroyed Pete inside of you, Vegas?" I was so scared.

After a long and excruciating silence...

"I just destroyed myself."

"..." I could not breath.

"That's all I have done so far. Now you say Pete feels worthless to come back to me, but what makes you think I feel like I have any worth myself to ask him to come back to me?!"


"I can't turn back time, Venice. I wish I could. I betrayed him in the end."

The lack of hope in his eyes... that hope vanished with the tears that rolled from his eyes.

"I won't let another tear come out from your eyes, Father."

"...?!..." Vegas stares at me, startled.

"Whatever happened that day in Chumphon Island, I've never stopped believing in your love for Dad and for me. But you have to forgive yourself first. It was not your fault. You didn't betray him. It was not because of you!"

"Chumphon Island?! What are you talking about?! W-why are you crying so much...?!"

"I'm afraid I can't be with you anymore...but I'm glad I could talk to you one last time in this World. Now I understand. Little Vegas can help you now....embrance him...embrace yourself. Don't lose your hope and come back to us."

"What do you mean, Venice?! Venice?!"

"Don't forget...we love you. Dad loves you. This is eternal love."

I open the car's door still in movement and jump.



"Venice!! Venice!! Can you hear me?! Venice?"

"I can, assistant Lee."

"What happened child?! Why are you crying this much?! Why did you leave the scenario?!"

"I won't go back."

"What do you mean?! I know it's hard, but you can't give up now."

"I won't give up... I'm giving my father the chance not to give up on himself."

"I'm not sure I can understand you."

"You will."


Author's note:

Hi everyone, Sorry for delay.

I had to focus on work before going on medical leave for a minor surgery today. Now that I have a few days off to rest, I can go back to writing on my bed while my mother takes care of me...hehe (I'm an adult, butt it's so nice to have my mother taking care of me. Hehe )

However, I was desperate to post this new chapter because it has been so long since I last updated this ff. It's short because I also need time to get the story straight in my head.

Maybe you guys will have doubts about this confusing chapter.

I appreciated your previous comments because they always make me think and review my story. I kept thinking about Vegas' betrayal... and whether it was betrayal or not."

I will not explain in this chapter what my conclusion was. First I want to know if you were able to understand the reason for the word "betrayal" and not "cheating." I'm trying to connect both reality and dream.

Ah yeah...Venice is not going back to that dream from now on.

See you guys soon.

Thank you!

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