38 - Rooftop

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Pete's POV

"Excuse me, Professor. I'm looking for young master Vegas."

"Vegas Kornwit has been gone for a while, Pete."

"I see...thank you, sir."

I exit math building and look around for Vegas.

Damn it...I should have accompanied him.

I don't know why I feel this apprehension...it's my job to protect him but...since he said...that we're 'boyfriends'...I feel a greater weight like...I can't lose him...

Ah...why am I being so...so...come on! I rub my face looking up when I see Vegas leaning against the rooftop railing from elementary school building...

What the fuck is he doing there?!

I'm about to wave my arm and call out to him when I see arms hugging that motherfucker's neck.

I narrow my eyes, but I can't see anything from the ground.

Hey! maybe someone is trying to strangle him, right?!

I run to the elevator that takes me to the top floor.

And I stop in front of the access stairs to the rooftop.

Should I go in?

My hand trembles on the doorknob.

"What are you waiting for?"

"Damn!" I jolt.

A small shadow comes out of the darkness with a simple smile on his face.

"Do you need some help to open the door, Phi?!"

"Oh...little Vegas?!What are you doing here?"

"Following you."


"Phi was running so desperately I had to follow you. I got worried."

"Isn't it late for you to be here...alone?!"

"I'm waiting for my brother. He's dumb. He has extra classes."

"I see..."

"Won't you go in?!"


"The door..."

I glimpse at my hand on the doorknob.

Do I want to open it? What if something nasty is going on there? I can't let Little Vegas witness anything sordid.

But what if Vegas is in danger?!

If someone was strangling him, I would see hands, not arms though.

Damn...what should I do?!

"Open the door, Phi..." Little Vegas smiles at me.

"Better not...it's not a safe place for children.

"I can wait here... Phi seems eager to see what's in there."

"No, no... it's nothing important...I was just going there to have a better view...to update myself on the perimeter...bodyguard procedures.

I let go of the doorknob and walk away from the door "Let's go down and look for Venice."

"Let's take a look."


When I turn, I see Little Vegas smiling sweetly at me. Suddenly he opens the door to the rooftop.

"Come on in, Phi."

"Little Vegas, no!"


Little Vegas' POV

VegasPete : The rival VeniceWhere stories live. Discover now