11 - Who's Pete?

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Vegas' POV

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Vegas' POV

I was outside the school waiting for Macau to arrive. Meanwhile, I watched Venice talking to a boy...that bodyguard of the main family that is studying in the same classroom as me and Venice.

Lately, Venice always runs after him when the bell rings, and they leave together with Venice's creepy little brother.

I'm always on the lookout to see if Kinn is trying to garner followers from among the smaller families. Venice's family is an important ally of the Minor Family. I think it's unlikely they betray us. Venice doesn't seem to be that type of a follower. I notice he doesn't follow Kinn...but he doesn't blindly follow my command either. Each day Venice shows a more defiant attitude towards me. I have to break him before he becomes a problem.

On the other hand, it's notorious how much he wags his tail at that boy. This piques my curiosity. I was familiar with Pete. We would often meet when I go to the major family's house. I think he is always next to Tankhun or Kinn. But I've never paid much attention to him.

Could it be that Kinn is trying to round up Venice through his bodyguard? What's special about him, anyway. That skinny smiling boy is so servile to the main family. It's annoying.

"Hey, about Pete. What's he like (1)? I ask Nop, who once worked for the main family.

"He's good. Even though he's so young and kind of small, I've heard that he's a strong candidate to become Tankhun's head bodyguard in the future. He's considered the main reason Tankhun hasn't been kidnapped anymore lately (1). Tankhun seems to be very fond of that kid.

"Good to know" (in English)

It's going to be fun messing with Tankhun's favorite bodyguard and prove to Venice who's the boss.


I was surprised to learn that Pete would be my roommate.

I planned to have the hotel's computer hacked and make this arrangement myself, but providence was quicker than me.

Too early to celebrate though.

He hasn't appeared at the hotel yet.

What a miserable life being Tankhun's bodyguard. It's no wonder that boy is always late for classes and messy, sleeping in the corners. Needy Tankhun must suck his soul. I'm a better boss.

"Hey, Vegas... will you sleep alone...?! Tawan approaches the door of my room after dinner.

"Not anymore."

"Don't you have a roommate?"

"He's not coming, I guess."

"Wow...that lucky bastard is wasting such an opportunity then. Lucky me! Who is he?"

"A nobody"

"How mean..."

"Come in."

"Sure. Let's have some fun"

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