48 - His little plan

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Venice's POV

"VEGAS...what have you done, you little shit?!"

"Not thanking me, I guess...Oh, well...It was just a misunderstanding."

"You better tell me everything!"

"I was minding my own business at the Main Family House, when Uncle Korn and Uncle Kan approached to give me some candy, which I dislike. Urgh! Why do they even talk to me!! But they seem to love me, what can I do?! I just asked Uncle's Kan to take me to his new casino...the one cousin Vegas showed P'."

"You what?!I told you to keep it a secret!"

"You did not!"

"I'm sure I did!"

"Anyways, Uncle Kan acted weirdly, but I can tell he was both pissed off with that situation and scared of Uncle Korn...anyways...I think he got this on P'...while his son ran away like a coward to some foreign country to "study"."

"Oh God...This is bad...this is really bad."

"Why?! P' will be fine in the eyes of Uncle Korn. Since Uncle Kan almost killed him. Can you agree it is more deadly to betray Uncle Korn then Uncle Kan?!"

"Damnit! What if Uncle Kan had killed Pete?!"

"That's unimportant. He didn't. As I noticed my mistake, I had some our bodyguards following P' all the time. So they rescued P'claiming to be following main family orders. Who's gonna check, anyway?!"

"Damn...this is not some children's play, Little Vegas! Pete is all bruised and unconscious."

"Can you blame a 7 yo kid, brother?!Can you blame ME?!

"I'm not blaming you...I'm just saying..."


"Damn...forget it, kid. I'm glad Pete is safe now."

"Uncle Kan will not try to harm him again. He won't do anything that could displease Uncle Korn. But I don't think he will support any friendship between P'and his son."

"Damn...damn...I have to find Vegas. I have to tell him about Pete's situation."

"Why would you do that?!"

"Vegas should know Pete is hurt."

"You don't have to worry about it. He must have his situation figured out yet."

"I'm sure he must not! He would be here!"

"Brother...I'm the kid, but you're so naive."



"It was cousin Vegas who led P' to the ambush."


"P's friend...P'Arm...told me that..."


"YES." If you do not believe me. Ask him. P'Arm is outside."

"How could he know?!"

"I told him." Suddenly I listen to a low voice. I turn to Pete's bed.

"Pete?! Ow, Pete...are you okay...?!"

Pete blinked a little, then opened his eyes.

"P' tell brother...tell brother it was Vegas."

"Stop it, Little Vegas! Stop it!"I turn to Pete again " Do not force yourself, Pete...just rest now..."

"It was...It was him."

"No...I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding..."

"I did not tell Khun Korn about that casino though..."

VegasPete : The rival VeniceWhere stories live. Discover now