33 - Pete's dorm [NC18+]

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Vegas' POV


We take the elevator.

Pete opens the door to his dorm.

"Do you mind, sir?!"

I enter.

It's small, but modern...well-kept.

Some bodyguards have dorms in the mansion.

"Please wait while I call the maid to prepare a room and new clothes for you, Khun Vegas"

"I can get ready here."


"Yes. Here."


"Why have you brought me here?!"

"To wait for a room."

"I could go to any room in this building."

"Well, I...I thought it would not be appropriated for you to be seen like this...so I..."

"Why so many excuses?!"

"Which excuses?!"

I don't give him any second long to run away from me.

I've been holding myself the whole morning.

"Hey! Don't!"

I press Pete against the door and kiss him violently.


I could feel our teeth clashing.

How dare him follow Kinn while with me?!

How dare him give attention to Tankhun whenever he barks?!

"Khun Veg...ugh...sto..."

I don't let Pete talk...I don't let Pete breath.

Something tells me Pete don't want to le go of me either.

He is a bodyguard.

He could fight me.

But he doesn't.

I can feel our clothes wet of juice.

He let me take his suit and shirt off, while I kiss his neck.

"Stop it..."

I stop.

I look straight into his eyes.

"Okay...I can leave you alone then."



"No...I ma...I'm your bodyguard...for now...you can't be out of my sight again."

"Were you anxious when I left earlier with Porsche?"

"Yes. NO!"

"Yes or No, Pete?!"

Pete looks away.

"Yes and No, Khun Vegas. I'm your bodyguard. I have to know where you are the whole time."


"To Protect you, of course."

"Protect me from Porsche?! Not because you were jealous?!Not because you were worried I would kiss him...or fuck him...Is he a threat to me? Or to you?"


"Be honest to yourself..."

I start to kiss his neck again. My hands hold his hips to not move from the wall.

VegasPete : The rival VeniceWhere stories live. Discover now