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Venice's POV

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Venice's POV

Assistant Lee and I walked to a room where P'Arm has many monitors in front of him.

"Are they kissing?!" I ask approaching those monitors.

"Assistant Lee, cover Venice's eyes!"

"Come one, Phi! I'm not a child!"

"Not an adult either"

"What are they talking about, P'Arm?"

"Let me raise volume."

["If it was like old times, I'd say you're following me."]

["I'm not, sir...I'm not a bodyguard anymore."]

["Hey, I'm kidding."]

Father pats my Dad's shoulder and returns to his locker.


I can see my Dad is nervous.

["Tankhun let you go like that?!Interesting...why?!I thought you were his favorite bodyguard...maybe his special 'person'."]

WHAT? No way! Come on, Father! Do you really think that?!

["Oh no! Khun Noo never thought of me like that, no! He's such a good boss and caring to us all...]

["Why you left anyway?!If he was so good to you as you say?!"]

["...I had some personal reasons..."]

["Hmm...you don't have to tell me if you don't feel like"]


["What do you do for a living now, If I may ask?!"]

["I work ..."] For a minute it looked like Dad was lost ...trying to remember...but Father keeps pushing him...like in an interrogatory.

["You work...?!"]

["I work in a bar."]

"He works in a bar?! What does he mean by that?! Venice, why does he work in a bar?!" Assistant Lee turned to me abruptly.

"I don't know, Assistant Lee!! Pete was a high school student! How could he?!"

"Oh damn, Arm, we need a fucking bar!" She said to P'Arm.

"I'm not fairy mother. Where can I get a bar?!"

"Doesn't Dad have a nightclub"?!"

"Smart boy...nightclub...bar...all the same."

"But costumers know Pete. It won't work well."

"I might know a place" suddenly P'Macau says.

"How did you get in here, babe?!" Assistant Lee asks him. We are all surprised to see him there.

"I was here all the time, Assistant Lee"

Assistant Lee and P'Macau stopped talking and glanced the table were P'Arm was seated.

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