25 - Police Station

1.9K 143 65

Pete's POV

Because I'm a minor, I'm in a special cell, with some delinquents who stare at me, laughing.

I ignore them.

Some remind me of the guys I used to fight in the streets.

Would I be here like them if I hadn't been accepted by Khun Korn as a bodyguard?

How ungrateful I feel right now.

Because I was careless, I'm in jail.

I rub my hair roughly as I imagine the scolding I'll get from P'Chan when he finds out I'm locked up in a police station. He will beat me to death. And I'm not even sure if that's a figure of speech.

Khun Vegas convinced Porsche and Venice to return to their homes. Jail would be no place for Little Vegas.

Besides, that kid could get into trouble. Before leaving, he had shown me that he had taken the keys to the policeman's handcuffs. All I could do was shake my head for him to give it back without the cop noticing.

Little Vegas refused to return it, but Venice took the key from him, threw it through the police car window, and dragged Little Vegas away.

To avoid further problems with Khun Kinn, Vegas ordered Arm and Pol to take Porsche and don't talk about my situation to anyone until they get orders from him.

Khun Vegas speaks with such authority that everybody complies with his orders, though Porsche was reluctant.

"You better sort this out, Vegas, otherwise you'll have to deal with me!" Porsche shouted to Vegas before leaving the place.

"You should blame Kinn" Khun Vegas smirked and sent them away with a wave of his hands.

"Fighting!P'Vegas will take good care of you" Venice said smiling at me and Vegas.

I've noticed Venice is such an optimistic bastard about everything concerning Khun Vegas and me.

So weird.

Khun Vegas is right, anyway. I was the one holding a gun, pointing at them. It would be unwise to implicate others. Khun Korn would be furious.

He came to the police station with me. I was not expecting that. I thought he would leave me behind.

"Don't worry, Pete" He said to me in English very calmly before we were apart.

Even though he's supposedly helping me, I think I saw a glint in his eyes.

Is he enjoying this?


I know Minor Family has connections to the police like the Main Family. But as a teenager will he be able to solve this on his own?

I don't think so.

Maybe he was just pretending to help me.

Maybe he is back to his home right now, enjoying his bed.

What time is it? Those police officers took my phone and watch.

I'm so screwed.

"Hey pretty boy?!" Those guys keep calling me. "Come join us."

I raise my head.

"I'm good, man." I stay cool.

I can't show fear to this type of people, but I can't confront them either.

"Come on...a rich pretty boy is too good to talk to us?!"

Shit... I know damn well how this is going to end.

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