Chapter 5: Incredible, Is This The Truth?

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If it spreads out, Liu Feng will be drowned by the spittle of the world.

Unexpectedly, the Shadow of Blade's Edge is so old, and it is still so young, so I went straight up.

Everyone did not expect Liu Feng to be so impulsive. This is a matter of personal reputation.

However, it also shows that Liu Feng is confident that Qin Luo will be completely nailed to death.

After all, history cannot be faked.

Can the situation at that time be clearer than his own experience?

Qin Luo must have done nothing good, and the character must be the devil.

Seeing that Liu Feng made a vow, this topic was temporarily stopped.

People looked at the light curtain again.



In the picture, Qin Luo roared angrily and directly smashed a freak's head with a punch, and blood splattered on his face, but he didn't care.

The next moment, several bloodthirsty monsters came up next to them, filling the gaps in the dead monsters, and rushing towards Qin Luo frantically.

Qin Luo's face was stern, and after dodging the monster's attack, he swept out again with a whip and kicked the head of a wolf-shaped monster directly.


Every time Qin Luo blasted out, there was a violent sound of wind, as if a sonic boom was generated in the void, blowing apart all the monsters.

Although everyone did not admit it, they had to say that Qin Luo killed so many burrow monsters, which indirectly bought a lot of time for humans and reduced a lot of pressure.

After all, every time a burrow monster is killed, the people of Linjiang City are likely to live a few more people.

But Qin Luo still didn't participate in the evacuation.

According to the time, the awakened people have gathered at this time to protect the people and transfer to Rongcheng, and they are facing dire danger.

And Qin Luo is still like no one, looking for monsters to hunt in the city.

It seems that it is just like what Liu Feng said, just killing for the sake of killing, like being enchanted.

"Father, have you really never done a good deed in your life, have you been a devil from beginning to end?"

"Don't let your daughter down again."

Qin Meng Lan clenched his fists tightly and pinched his fingernails into his flesh, still unaware, just staring at the memory screen.

She hoped to see Qin Luo have a positive image when he was born, instead of being a bloodthirsty devil all his life.

The two daughters Qin Qianqian and Qin Xianru also looked at the light curtain with full attention, with nervous expressions.

"Don't worry, Qin Luo has a good character before he becomes a demon."

At this time, Murong Yunshan laughed.

"I still remember that when Qin Luo was still a human, he and I guarded the city together. It was almost risking his life to fight. In order to protect a child, he even dared to use his body to block the deadly attack of the monster."

"This kind of upright and brave person, I sometimes even suspect that he became the devil because his body was taken away by the devil."

Hear what Murong Yunshan said.

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