Chapter 41: The Mystery Of The Entrance To The Cave, Who Is The Next Inheritor?

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Qin Luo's panic didn't last long, because his figure also flashed green light, and then his body became illusory.

When he felt the change in his body, he immediately understood that it was a random transmission.

And Xiao Menglan should have been teleported to a certain place in the wood spirit cemetery.

Knowing that his daughter was not in danger, Qin Luo relaxed a little.


His figure also disappeared.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a small bright room.

Qin Luo looked at the surrounding environment and had a feeling of being inside a certain machine.

Before he could regain his senses, there was an electronic sound coming from the room, which was probably similar to the voice of the system.

"Hello, welcome to the wood spirit cemetery."

Hear this voice.

Qin Luo asked, "Who are you?"

The voice replied: "I am the intelligent life "Li" in the wood spirit cemetery, and everything here is controlled by me."

Li's voice was very friendly, and Qin Luo felt relieved for a while.

Because intelligent life does not have so many twists and turns, if they are threatened, they will do it immediately.

Since there is no danger here, Xiao Menglan should be safe there.

But out of caution.

Qin Luo still asked, "What about those who were sent together?"

Li replied: "I randomly arranged them all over the wood spirit cemetery, don't worry, I will give them a gift to any creature who steps into the wood spirit cemetery to inherit."

"Inheritance?" Qin Luo frowned.

"Yes, inheritance."

Li said: "The owner of this wood spirit cemetery is from the star Bartos, the wood spirit tribe. Due to the influence of crossing the dimension, she fell. I inherited her will and found a suitable one for the wood spirit tribe. heirs."

"So, those who entered the wood spirit cemetery are all testers of inheritance. Are they carrying out inheritance?"

Qin Luo said softly.

With that said, Xiaomenglan is also carrying on inheritance.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Li denied it.

"It was like this at the beginning, but now we don't need it anymore. With their aptitude, it doesn't conform to the inheritance of the Wood Spirit Clan at all. It's a waste to give it. Only you are the most suitable."

"So I decided to hand over the inheritance to you."

Li, this mechanical being said flatly.




in front of the light curtain.

Countless people were stunned.

How is this going?

Did this intelligent life form named "Li" have a diseased brain? The inheritance didn't even begin, so it was directly given to the devil Qin Luo.

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