Chapter 55 He Is A Monster, Not Qualified To Have Feelings

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"Where is this place, how do I remember that a handsome guy saved me?"

Mu Lingxing opened her eyes from the bed and muttered to herself.

She looked at her surroundings.

An old house with very old furniture around.

This kind of environment will not surprise anyone who has survived in the wilderness.

Because it's everywhere.

Some abandoned houses are even covered with green vines, with moss growing around them and dilapidated.

The environment of this house is good, at least it is clean and free of dust, and it can be seen that someone cleans it often.

"I seem to be affected by the aura of some cataclysm, and then fall into madness...?"

Mu Lingxing lay on the bed, carefully recalling her memories before she fell into a coma.

"Well, I heard that there is a cave door near Linjiang City. The black aura that spreads can make people mutate into monsters. Many humans have been infected."

"Then, after I heard the news, I took my friend Su Yan to find out. She is an awakener of the light system, and the power of light can restrain all darkness."

"Just after we arrived, we found that the aura of cataclysm there is unusual, and it is not something that a mere general can solve. Now it's troublesome..."

"Then, I was drenched in that strange purple rain, and my head suddenly became confused, attacking everywhere, and then...then, a handsome guy rescued me, and he if... carrying me."

"Hey, in the end he threw me on the ground because he hugged Su Yan. Huh?...Grass!"

Mu Lingxing recalled the memory at that time, and couldn't help but scolded.

A beautiful and moving girl like her was thrown to the ground by him, and the reason was that she had hugged her friend Su Yan in her arms.

Su Yan...

"By the way, Su Yan."

Only then did Mu Lingxing come back to her senses. She quickly looked around and found that on the other bed, Su Yan was lying there quietly, her clothes were intact, and she was relieved.

After just thinking about it, she spit out again: "Is there any justice? The two beautiful beauties passed out in a coma. He didn't do anything. He couldn't be a eunuch."


"Pfft, haha!"

Outside the light curtain, when everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but laugh, and burst out laughing.

But thinking of Mu Lingxing's previous threat, the people around didn't dare to laugh too much.

It turned out that this crazy woman was so arrogant when she was young.

And Mu Lingxing looked at the light curtain with a confused expression. Qin Luo actually remembered this scene so clearly?

Not remembering anything, just remembering this.

However, Mu Lingxing did not laugh, but fell into deep regret.

Because, she hurt Qin Luo next.

After learning that Qin Luo is the dragon queen of the demon clan, she forgot Qin Luo's life-saving grace, and questioned Qin Luo's motives and Qin Luo's kind heart.

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