Chapter 34: Bloody Killing, Qin Luo's True Face

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With the switching of the memory screen.

What happened next surprised everyone.

Qin Luo doesn't seem to be a virgin.

this day.

Qin Luo's blood ran wild again. He left the city and came to the wilderness.

When he walked into the familiar wilderness, he immediately felt the ambush around him.

"Come out."

Qin Luo said calmly.

The surroundings were quiet, like a dead silence.

Qin Luo said again: "Do you know why I didn't kill you, I just want to solve all the troubles at once."

With Qin Luo's voice falling.

There were contemptuous laughter all around.

"Monster, you didn't kill me that day, and you must die today."

Immediately, a person came out of the woods, and it was the person who discovered Qin Luo's demonization that day.

Just behind him, there are dozens of warriors.

Among them, a couple stared at Qin Luo, and the woman screamed like a madman: "You monster, kill my Wei Er, I want you to bury my son Zhang Yaowei."

Obviously, this couple, Zhang Yaowei's parents.

Zhang Yunlei and Li Shufen.

They offered a reward to Qin Luo for five years, and they wanted to kill Qin Luo while eating and sleeping.

But unfortunately there is no news of Qin Luo.

Finally, the emperor pays off.

Some time ago, someone discovered the news of Qin Luo.

Zhang Yunlei and his wife immediately waved a lot of money and hired more than 30 warriors to encircle Qin Luo.

Be sure to kill with one blow and avenge his son Zhang Yaowei.

Among the more than 30 warriors, there are twelve dragon-level warriors, and the rest are generals, with a strong lineup and amazing skills.

With so many powerhouses, even if they were to besiege a gate of a burrow, they could directly kill them.

Not to mention a mere Qin Luo.

Therefore, Zhang Yunlei and Li Shufen are full of confidence.

However, Qin Luo looked at the people around him with no change in his eyes.

He just said coldly: "Damn Zhang Yaowei, I crushed his arms little by little, crushed his legs into powder, listened to his dying cry, and finally crushed his head... …”

At this moment, Qin Luo's expression was very bewitching, and he looked like the biggest villain.

The surrounding warriors listened quietly to Qin Luo's description of the scene when Zhang Yaowei was tortured and killed, and their scalps could not help tingling.


This is a bloodthirsty monster.

As for Zhang Yunlei and Li Shufen, their eyes were red and their eyes were splitting, and they completely collapsed and ran wild.

"Kill, kill this beast for me, I want to chop him up bit by bit and feed it to the dog."

Li Shufen roared wildly.

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