Chapter 24: Cold-Blooded And Ruthless? He Chose To Guard Silently In The Dark

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in reality.

Everyone looked at this scene and heard Xiao Menglan's cry, with a look of pity on their faces.

This is so distressing.

Qin Luo's abnormality made people no doubt what Qin Menglan said.

He started to change.

Tortured his daughter like a demon.

Everyone didn't understand Qin Luo's behavior.

Because Qin Luo's conversation with the system is private, basically no one can hear these words clearly.

No one knows Qin Luo's painstaking efforts, and naturally no one understands.

People only saw that Qin Luo's temperament changed greatly after he betrayed the human city, and Xiao Menglan was frightened by his crazy actions.

Xiaomenglan's eyes clearly showed resistance and pleading, but Qin Luo ignored it.

Qin Luo is really enchanted.

And Qin Meng Lan raised his head and looked at the light curtain quietly.

He also said softly: "From here on, he is no longer my father, he is the enemy of my life."

"Since then, my existence has only been to defeat him."

Qin Meng Lan bit her lip, her tone cold.

She really practiced this, and since then, she has started a confrontation with Qin Luo.

Fighting all your life.

Father and daughter split.

Qin Luo became the demon emperor, and she became the god of war among human beings to fight against it.

Qin Luo coordinated the demon clan, and she went crazy and killed the demon clan under Qin Luo's command, and tried to kill Qin Luo.

And she did it too, Qin Luo died in the Meteorite Tower in the end.

in this battle.

The daughter won out in the end, and won quite beautifully.

"When Qin Luo did this kind of thing, he was no longer worthy of being a father, not to mention that he killed Yingye, and when he died, the world would have lost a scourge."

"I just feel sorry for Martial God Menglan. What kind of torture and pain will I encounter next? I can't bear to watch it any longer."

"She was only eight years old at the time, how desperate she must be."

People couldn't help but sympathize and condemn Qin Luo's ruthlessness.


And the memory screen.

Qin Luo has already dragged Xiao Menglan to a cold pond of icebergs.

The system said that in this snow pool, this skill was more likely to succeed, removing the demon bloodline from Qin Menglan's body.

"Dad, what are we doing here? Can we go home?"

Xiao Menglan pleaded for the last time.

Looking at Qin Luo's eyes, the trust and dependence before him were no longer, but full of fear and despair.

She just begged numbly mechanically.

Qin Luo didn't answer.

At this point, there is no point in saying anything.

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